
@Tenbagger2024 😇 had asked me to take a look at the $NU (+1.01%) to look at the chart. I followed this request on the overcrowded train to Vienna. Unfortunately there was no room to open the laptop, so I used my cell phone ☹️

The drawing is unfortunately a bit inaccurate as the train kept shaking me 🙈 but it certainly looks good for Nu

as a little bonus there is still $MRVL (-3.77%) on top 😌

Drive if you can, people have almost started fighting for seats 🤯


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I now almost only travel by car - saves time and nerves😂
On my last experience with Deutsche Bahn, I had reserved a seat in advance, which - as it turned out - didn't even exist because the carriage was missing🤓
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Thank you my dear Kate,
I'm sure you'll bring great joy to many in the community.
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How can you tell how the share price will continue to develop just from a "chart analysis"? Of course there are patterns to be recognized, but without looking at the fundamental data I personally don't think much of it.
@InvestRookie I think chart analysis only makes sense if you compare the share price performance with the company's sales growth, return on equity, etc. What is your chart analysis based on, @Iwanowitsch?
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