
Do you think this is still a good ETF? A few years ago I bought Wisdom Cloud Computing ETF $WCLD (-0.24%)

It is an ETF where I have the most losses but I personally think it still has a future.

The ETF consists of:

Samsara Inc-Cl A 1.86% $IOT

Gitlab Inc-Cl A 1.86% $GTLB (-1.44%)

Box Inc - Class A 1.82% $BOX (-0.49%)

Zoominfo Technologies Inc-A 1.80% $ZTNO

Zoom Video Communications-A 1.79% $ZM (-0.58%)

Mongodb Inc 1.78% $MDB (-1.19%)

Veeva Systems Inc-Class A 1.75% $VEEV (-0.29%)

AvePoint Inc 1.71% $AVPT

Workday Inc 1.67% $WDAY (-0.41%)

Dropbox Inc-Class A 1.66% $DBX (-0.7%)

Remaining Portfolio 82.30%

I am curious about your opinion!


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The ETF should hold positions in companies like Microsoft, Google, Adobe, Amazon, Salesforce, and Oracle. But positions like Zoom and Workday are garbage. What cloud services do people actually use? The ones from Google, Microsoft, and Apple—not Dropbox. This ETF is a complete joke.
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@TechNav I agree, so sell and take the loss?
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@Demas losses maybe sometimes heavy but I don’t see why this remaining money could not give you a good return in a decent alternative investment, especially when you agree that this ETF is invested in holdings you not happy with.
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About "cloud", I have a portion of my portfolio invested in the $FSKY ETF and I am quite satisfied
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@doks that one is a lot better mate! I will sell mine in future because not good companies in the etf
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@Demas yes, $ORCL $ANET $LUMN $AMZN $MSFT $GOOGL $PSTG $NTNX make up the bulk of this ETF, but I think I'll get rid of it anyway because I already have a lot of overlap on these positions through other ETFs that I prefer to this one anyway, also because it has a not insignificant TER of 0.6%: the biggest companies in "Cloud Computing" are always those that also drive AI (and therefore I prefer this "theme" for my ETFs)
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@doks yes very true. Sector etfs ar not always that good. Just normal etfs are the better options I think
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@Demas I almost always agree, except when we talk about tech "sector", and that's why I will prefer to increase my positions on $XAIX (AI >> cloud) or $XLKS (more generic S&P tech) getting rid of this "cloud" position
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