
Coca Cola or PepsiCo?

Coca Cola $KO (+2.23%) or PepsiCo $PEP (+1.14%) ?

In your opinion, what is currently the way to go if you want to have one of the two stocks in your portfolio?


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Team #coke.
Pepsi doesn't taste good
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@GHF That's what investing in a company is all about 🫠
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Drink $KO , but own $PEP
So I have both, even though I only drink Coke Zero myself😄
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Take both, 50/50
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Pepsico 🤩💪🏽 - tastes better and is definitely the cooler company
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Hi there,
I would go for $KO, but purely on gut feeling. If you are really interested in both of them, I would recommend doing some research and then making a decision. 😅

I can't really tell you what the best W2G is at the moment, if you want to profit purely from $KO or $PEP then buying individual shares would probably be the best solution. 😎
Definitiv $KO
The benchmark winner is $KO. It also tastes better and is sold at $MCD: Buy.
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Pepsi is very strong in the USA and has a broader business segment. Coca Cola is a global brand.
I already had both in my portfolio. I currently have a small savings plan on Coca Cola
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