Allianz $ALV (+0.07%) with record profit and share buyback
Allianz has achieved a record profit in day-to-day business in 2024. Operating profit rose by almost nine percent to over 16 billion euros. CEO Oliver Bäte is targeting an operating profit of between 15 and 17 billion euros for 2025. Despite this positive news, the Allianz share fell temporarily by 0.84 percent to 330.50 euros. However, there is good news for shareholders: The dividend will be increased by 11.6 percent to 15.40 euros, and share buybacks worth up to 2 billion euros are planned. The Group has set itself ambitious targets and wants to increase earnings per share to 31.50 euros by 2027. Allianz plans to improve its efficiency through new technologies such as artificial intelligence and wants to spend at least 75% of net profit on dividends and buybacks over the next few years.
Holcim $HOLN (+0.31%) increases profit and plans spin-off
Holcim, the world's largest building materials group, increased its recurring operating profit EBIT by 6.1 percent to a record CHF 5.05 billion last year. Despite a decline in net profit of 4.4 percent to 2.93 billion Swiss francs, the Group is optimistic about the future. Holcim is planning to spin off its North American business, which is expected to be completed by mid-2025. Sales in North America stagnated at 11.7 billion dollars in 2024, but operating profit rose by 16 percent to 2.2 billion dollars. Group CEO Miljan Gutovic expects 2025 to be another record year for Holcim, supported by infrastructure projects in the USA. Further acquisitions are also planned in Europe and Latin America.
Berenberg rates Lanxess $LXS (-0.59%) to Hold
The private bank Berenberg has downgraded the Lanxess share to 'Hold' and left the price target at 31 euros. Analyst Andres Castanos-Mollor justifies this decision with the assessment that the shares have risen too much. This movement was influenced by positive quarterly figures as well as factors such as hopes for peace in Ukraine and lower energy prices. Berenberg does not see any further upside potential in the current valuation, which is why the shares will now remain in the holding position.