
Long-term crypto investment

Hey everyone,

I'm still relatively new to trading. I have now read up extensively and, in addition to the conventional savings plans in ETFs, I intend to invest a fixed amount in crypto every month.

Does it make sense here to invest exclusively via a savings plan in $BTC (+0.31%) or should I split it between other assets such as $XRP (-1.82%) or $ETH (+1.15%) ? Would an ETF perhaps also be the right choice here?

Thank you in advance for your help!


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Only Bitcoin :)
The others are not suitable for a long-term investment. You can use them for short-term speculation - long-term saving makes no sense.
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@stefan_21 Mail from your vacation or already back? 😉
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@Ash Vacation :D I'm just stuffy as an old bag on a cruise ship drinking cocktails😂
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@stefan_21 That's clean! And please carry on 🍹❤️
@stefan_21 I bought ether at €48, currently at €1,800. Ether has real applications, so it has a use.
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@KNeubert1963 Apart from stablecoins, I don't see any use for ETH in the real world. And ETH is not the leader in stablecoins😅
Of course I'm happy for you about your profit, but I don't see any use for ETH at all. But I'm happy to be proven wrong :)
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There are different perspectives on this topic.

One that I hold is the following: Bitcoin ($BTC ) is not synonymous with crypto, and the majority of cryptocurrencies - especially altcoins - are made up of shitcoins.

Whether $XRP, $ETH or other altcoins are to be classified as shitcoins is something everyone has to judge for themselves. I myself only buy $BTC and no altcoins.
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Bitcoin only when it comes to the long term and investments. Other coins are probably also suitable for short term and gambling.
Thanks to everyone! Then $BTC will be saved monthly.
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@wealth_architect_2053 right decision :) and what you are doing is investing not trading ;) Good luck
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@wealth_architect_2053 I can recommend Strike for your savings plan. It's free of charge after a week and you can also send to your ColdWallet free of charge later. (It only takes 1-2 days for the sats to arrive)
In my opinion, crypto is good for short-term casinos. The trustmebros and gold dust miners on the moon naturally want you to buy their coins and hold them forever and keep buying more, as they want to make a profit at some point. Remember: You invest in order to disinvest at some point. The trustmebros want to reinvest with your money:)
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@Madhatter5566 That's why you should invest in Bitcoin and not in crypto 😉
@Psychedelic_Sunflower Bitcoin is crypto. Just because it's the first shitcoin to be withdrawn (1 million coins at Satoshi) doesn't make it any better.
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@Madhatter5566 No, that's not the reason why BTC is better. The reasons have already been explained to you in many other discussions, but since you don't pay any attention to them anyway, let alone accept opinions other than your own, it would be pointless to discuss them now.
@Psychedelic_Sunflower I repeat myself, Bitcoin is a cryptocoin.
Period. And one where the inventor has enriched himself handsomely.

Please write out how rich he is with 1 million Bitcoin. Then you'll probably realize it yourself.
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1 million Bitcoin is currently around 80 billion euros. All well and good. These coins have never been moved. So either Satoshi was an idiot and messed up access to his coins or he was never interested in self-enrichment and may have lost access on purpose.
@Psychedelic_Sunflower Speculoos.

80 billion is enriched. So no difference to all other shitcoins. Thank you
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@Madhatter5566 That seems to be your favorite pastry.
If Satoshi was planning to enrich himself, he screwed up because he lost access to his coins. He also revolutionized, or rather perfected, the concept of storing value for humanity. It went badly for him.
If he still has access, what is he waiting for? There is nothing that a person cannot buy with money. This raises the suspicion that enrichment is not what he had in mind with Bitcoin.
Whatever the motives and background, he has created a revolutionary store of value that is here to stay.
@Psychedelic_Sunflower What store of value? I thought Bitcoin was supposed to be money. Somehow you are very confused, every half sentence Bitcoin is something else.

What does fucked up mean. It is enriched. Period. So it's a shitcoin like any other. Qed.
Zero difference. Casino.
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Money is a store of value. Bitcoin can therefore be both. You don't have to get hung up on that.
If he lost access without meaning to, he screwed up. Then nothing is enriched.
@Psychedelic_Sunflower That's like saying Musk isn't a billionaire because he doesn't sell shares. Stupid logic.
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Strike savings plan BTC.

Don't know which provider to use for ETH and Xrp savings plan
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#btc and #ada for long-term investment.
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Bitcoin only
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