
Your swarm intelligence desired 😉

I started my ETF investments at the end of 2021.

So far, I have invested my money in the MSCI World without a concept (only $ISAC (+1.4%) then $IWDA (+1.42%) ), $IUIT (+2.23%) and $IUHC (+0.32%) . Dips were bought later and when prices were good.

I am a bit suspicious of the Chinese stock market because the government there can manipulate the market considerably - hence the move to the $IWDA (+1.42%)

I also have the DWS funds that were set up for me as a child.

The shares are more for "playing".

As I haven't yet found a method for evaluating shares that gives me a good feeling, I'm still a bit cautious here.

$WQDS (+0.89%) , $ESIT (+2.85%) and $INGR I would describe these as missteps and will probably sell them soon.

Now I would like to go for a clean concept and invest in savings plans.

The aim is to secure my pension and build up my assets.

Now I'm just faced with the question:

What is the best way to weight my portfolio?

Core-Sattelite? - Are $IUIT (+2.23%) and $IUHC (+0.32%) Sattelites or already core?

50% MSCI World Core, 20% EM and 30% $IUIT (+2.23%) / $IUHC (+0.32%) ?

How would you proceed or what would your weighting look like in my portfolio?

I would be very happy to receive tips, suggestions and advice.

I'm a bit at a loss 😁

Thank you very much for your help


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What do you mean by "clean concept"?

You are focusing 100% on B&H shares. No diversification across asset classes or strategies. That increases volatility. If you've only been in the portfolio since 2021, you've never experienced a deep bear market. This means your portfolio contains a high psychological risk. This can cost you 5-10% pa in the long term.
By a clean concept I mean that I execute the savings plans with fixed percentage values and rebalance 1-2 times a year.

Do you mean that I should also invest in other asset classes? E.g. commodities or bonds?
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@Sven235 This would reduce the vola, but also lower the return. At least if you want to invest for decades to come.

What is the goal (in figures)?

Cash flow x? Assets y? What horizon? And then, of course, there is what Epi says: how well can you cope with vola?
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@Sven235 Okay, that's what you mean. I would have expected a clear, logical derivation of the asset allocation and the trading strategy from your goal, your situation and your knowledge, including backtests. Have you considered the dynamic return sequence risk? Sounds nerdy, but in the end it makes up 50% of your pension.

It also depends on whether other asset classes make sense for you.

Your allocation is just like a VW Golf. Somehow you'll get there, and better than with a bicycle (daily allowance), but it's never really optimal. It's too staid to pick up women, too small for a family, too low for a pensioner, etc.

Most people here try to pimp their Golf somehow (Core Satellite) instead of looking for a car that suits their situation.
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@Epi In the past, a tuned Golf II was still good enough for towing. At least for a certain clientele ;-)
My goal is to retire as early as possible.
In other words, to break the million mark in 20 years.
At 6% p.a. over 20 years with 1000 per month possible.
I invest around €1000-1500 per month.
More risk would be conceivable for a portion of the money or for future deposits.
@Epi How do you value shares and when do you buy them?
Or how do you pimp your Golf? 😁
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@KevinE Other asset classes do not always reduce vola and returns. BTC or 2x leveraged gold ETCs can reduce vola and increase returns at the same time. This is certainly not everyone's cup of tea, but you should be aware of these possibilities.

Unfortunately, the argument often goes like this:
-I have 100% ACWI + equities, what can I improve?
-Add gold, that lowers the vola.
-Oh no, I don't care about vola!
-Then mix in BTC, that increases the return.
-Oh no, I wouldn't feel comfortable with that.
-Why not?
-Vola too high.
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@Sven235 How do you want to retire with 6%pa and 1 million? Have you thought this through or just quoted pretty figures?
6%pa at 1million makes 60k pa, i.e. 5k pM, minus taxes you get 4k pM net. With a savings rate of 1.5k, this corresponds to 5.5k pM net current income. So either you are currently saving far too little or far too much, or your calculation is wrong.

By the way, if your target return is only 6%pa, you have a lot of leeway to smooth the return curve. Google Meb Faber GAA.
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@Epi by less vola I was referring to the asset classes "commodities" and "bonds" mentioned by TE.
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All in all, I would sort the etfs here first, directly and I wouldn't try to cover every area.

Next, I'm an equity investor and I have a clear opinion on ETFs, better less than more.
In your stock selection, the German stocks can all go, see it as a lesson.
I like fortinet very much, the company with the best balance sheet in the whole security sector.

Here I would diversify as 2.
That means as tech take your Alphabet if you are convinced.
I would hold your fortinet or Amazon.

Then I would recommend diversifying the 30% stocks a little.
That means one asml for the industrial / semiconductor market.
Hermes for cyclical consumption.
A thermo fisher for the health sector.
A visa for the financial sector.

I would then relax, these are all very safe companies.
Then you can consider diversifying with precious metals or crypto.
That's really up to you.
That means you turn 16 positions into 8 positions in the best case, 3 etfs and 5 shares.
@schokosahne I am definitely reducing the ETFs.

Why would you sell all German shares?

Thanks for the tips 👍
What method do you use to value stocks?
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@Sven235 as the yields are significantly weaker. The moat is not there now. In the end, as an investor, I see one thing in shares.

I want the highest return with the lowest risk and there are so many great companies. But they are not based in Germany. We have some in Europe, such as novo nordisk or Hermes.

It's good that you're taking this approach and the sooner you adjust it, the sooner you'll achieve stable and good returns.
I wish you every success
sell/reduce both $IUHC and $ISAC, and into $IWDA.
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