
My depot

Now the time has come.

I'm posting my portfolio.

I've had getquin for a while now and have recently started looking at the posts and find it interesting to see how other people invest and how different it is.

At the moment I'm relatively happy with how my portfolio is set up, but I thought that maybe some comments could inspire me.

I would probably like to buy one of these stocks next:

$ASML (+1.4%)

$MSCI (-1.22%)

$NOVO B (-1.34%)

What do you guys think? Hot or junk?


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The stocks you want to buy are good choices because of their quality.
You clearly have far too much of a home bias and your performance is really not good either. I would add more growth (quality) and above all diversify more. You have almost 2/3 Germany
@SemiGrowth Thanks for the comment.
Yes, you're probably right. The country diversification is really not that good
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@jan07k you can also simply add industrialized countries ETFs and build up a core, then you have automatically diversified
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@SemiGrowth Why is the performance not good? Please explain
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@Julius_Gru 40% since 2016?
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How much do you have?
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@Julius_Gru should be around 50%, but since 2022
I should perhaps also point out that I have held Munich Re shares since around 2015, but have only been investing elsewhere for around 2 years.
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