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Pretty bollocks you are writing there...are you dependent on the Getquin coins? Let's be honest...if you invest 1 million (better 1.5 million because of taxes) but VWL, let's leave out the taxes, and you get 5% dividends... 50 K a don't need to work anymore. This is how dividends work, a quasi fixed income. Or why do you think all the Arab Emirates are invested in VW and others?
@Tillmatic Hmmm? Do I contradict what you say? No. Dividends are a good de-investment tool. But you could also realize that with partial sales.
My point is that there is no difference between dividends and partial sales. You don't have an advantage with dividends, nor do they help with the actual accumulation of assets. They are even less flexible, as they are fixed and you have to constantly reinvest them as you build up the position.

If you have a 1 million portfolio, you can simply sell positions for 50k after a year. Technically and in terms of the result, there is no difference.
@Madhatter5566 "My point is that there is no difference between dividends and partial sales." This has been proven wrong by @ThePower who pointed out to you: The difference between dividends and partial sales is transaction fees. Something that you didn't proof wrong and after which you resorted to "liar" "fool" and "you are wrong". I see you post aggressively in a lot of these posts. Please try to discuss with people by proving them wrong, not by starting personal insults. If you can proof them wrong that is.
@LiamXi thats again wrong. You have the trade costs at the start of your Investment because you need to Reinvest the dividends. And Spread. You have also taxes with dividends every time.

Costs at the start of the Investment are really Bad. Because if you dont have them you will have much more Money at the end of the journey when you need to Deinvest.

You are just wrong again.
@Madhatter5566 who is talking about reinvesting? Also, you have to leave taxes out of the equation, as this differs per country, which has been pointed out.
@LiamXi you cant just leave taxes out.

You reinvested them when you build up the Position.

If we are only talking de-investing after a one time Investment you may be better of with dividends. That has nothing to do with my Post.
@Madhatter5566 I live in Latvia, we have no dividend tax. I can leave them out. See my other comment on the problem with your thinking, which is driven by Motivated reasoning.
@LiamXi And? You still have the costs of the strategy in the investing phase. And thats hurting, as you wouldnt have that in the investing phase of a dividendless Portfolio. 1 Euro you pay now to reinvest your dividend again and again (Spread or Trading cost) is 20 Euros in retirement If you would have saved that.
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@Madhatter5566 Yes, you can leave taxes out. As i pointed this out: it is Volkswirtschaft!
@Tillmatic Not really. As you paying dividend taxes or not is only half the equation. The company does too. Yet you seem to try to nitpick or exclude reality. And you pay taxes for VWdividends. Even in lativua. As it is a foreign Stock there.

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@Madhatter5566 But no state fund pays taxes, or does the state of Lower Saxony pay taxes to itself??....e.g.