
Hi guys! Any thoughts on my portfolio? I started investing on march 2024, starting from 100€ and 0 knowledge. I’ve done many mistakes and already sold some positions (every time with profit, even if only 10€ profit). I’m still a noob and keep studying every day so please be kind 🤣

As you can see I also have some single stocks, these are just fun money and I’m using them just for buy and sell and make profit. I’m reinvesting on ETFs all the profits I make from stocks.

Basically I’m going to build my portfolio this way:

50% $VWCE (-0.55%) (this one will always be the core)

10% $WGLD (+0.08%)

10% $ZPRV (-0.79%)

5% $ZPRX (-0.36%)

5% $DFEN (-0.18%)

5% $NUKL (+1.47%)

5$ $XDWH (-0.01%)

5% $CHIP (-0.2%)

5%/10% fun money (single stocks and a just a lil bit of cripto)

Aside from this portfolio I also have 10k on $XEON (+0.01%) (this is basically my “emergency funds”, since I don’t like/know a lot single bonds and etf bonds).

Thank you in advance!


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You can sell anything under 3% allocation to simplify it.
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@TechNav under 3% I got mostly individual stocks, and I buy and sell them often to make profit and reinvest on etf 😇
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