
My Journey to Financial Growth: Lessons, Failures, and Ambitions - Happy 2025 The year of change.

Hi there!

First off, I want to introduce myself. I'm a 24-year-old who's spent about two years diving into the world of investing. Though I’m just starting, I’d love to share a bit of my journey with you all.


My Beginnings

I’ve always had a unique approach to life and investments, which often feels different from most people I know. I started working young, driven by a goal to save €10,000. For someone living in Portugal, where building wealth takes time, this felt like a mountain to climb.

Unfortunately, at 18, I fell victim to a scam and lost €5,000 in my first year of trying to invest. It was a harsh lesson. My family thought I was naive for believing I could become wealthy quickly through trading. They’d never ventured into investments, so I was forging a path on my own.

Hitting Rock Bottom

After the scam, I swore off markets altogether. I moved to Spain to try earning more, but the isolation and inability to grow my savings left me depressed. It was during this tough time that my boss introduced me to Bitcoin.

He told me: “Diogo, buy Bitcoin. This could change your life. Don’t spend on cars or houses—invest in this!” At first, I thought he was crazy. Bitcoin was volatile, and I couldn’t imagine risking so much. But his passion stayed with me, and I began paying attention to the market.

Turning Things Around

In 2022, I returned to Portugal, reuniting with family, friends, and a sense of purpose. I found a stable job—not well-paying, but it gave me a foundation to rebuild. Slowly, I started meeting people active in the markets, shifting my mindset, and planning my future more thoughtfully.

I set a goal to save €10,000 again, this time with a clear strategy. By saving at least €200 a month and focusing on long-term growth (like investing in the S&P 500), I envisioned reaching €1 million by the time I turn 40.

Lessons and Progress

By the end of 2023, I came close to my goal, saving €9,500. My biggest win was investing in NVIDIA ($NVDA (-4.49%) ), which gave me a 55% return in less than a year!

In 2024, I made another significant investment—this time in myself. I used some savings to fix my teeth, boosting my confidence. Despite that expense, I managed to grow my investments to €23,000 by year's end.

My Current Strategy

This year, I’m focusing on stocks and crypto that are undervalued but have strong potential for growth. My portfolio includes:

$VOW3 (+2.85%)

$PAH3 (+2.06%)

$NESN (+1.05%)

$VALE (+1%)

$BAYN (+1.34%)


$JMT (-4.02%)

$BTI (+1.49%)

$CABO (+8.05%)

$GMAB (-1.21%)

$MAERSK A (+0.06%)

$TMV (+1.96%)

$BMRN (+0.08%)


$ABEV (+0.74%)


$ETH (-2.46%)

$DOT (-0.12%)

$FET (-1.9%)

$NEAR (-4.11%)

$TIA.N (-0.8%)

$APTOS (+0.83%)

Final Thoughts

My goal is to end this year with €40,000 invested, to be able to get half of it into the real state,It’s ambitious, but I’ve learned that persistence and patience can yield great rewards.

I’ll keep you all updated on my journey. Best of luck to everyone on yours!

Diogo Cordas


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Olá Diogo, em primeiro lugar parabéns! Com 24 anos ja tens uma estratégia de poupança e investimento bem definida.

Algumas questões/recomendações

Porque não um ETF diversificado de acumulação ou então alguns growth stocks? Os dividendos em Portugal são taxados a 28% vais perder muita rentabilidade aqui.

E para crypto eu investiria sempre pelo menos 70%-80% em BTC.

Bons investimentos!
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Hello and thank you very much for your comment!
I'm very happy with your motivating words.

Previously, I was actually positioned in ETFs like the S&P 500. However, I realized that I am a curious person who likes to take risks. Over the years, my ideas have always turned out as I imagined, which led me to decide to invest more aggressively this year.

I'm aware of the 28% tax on investments, but I don't intend to keep these shares for a short period. I see great potential in them to stay with me for more than 5-10 years. Most of them distribute dividends and are well-known companies.

As for cryptocurrencies, that's where I'll be more aggressive. I know that Bitcoin is a safer bet, but, as with shares, I have a slightly different view. This sector would be more about positioning myself for greater growth, with money that I wouldn't miss so much if it were lost. If it grows, I'll be able to create significant capital and then invest in Bitcoin or the stock market, which I already know better.

I hope I've expressed myself well.

Happy investing and thanks again for your attention!
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@Cordas Percebo a ideia/estratégia mas a performance do portfolio seria muito superior se tivesses continuado a investir no S&P 500 + crypto por exemplo.

Na minha opinião se queres algo mais arriscado (mas com piores resultados provavelmente) eu alocaria 20% a stocks mais agressivos. Tipo $NU $HIMS $SQ $MU. Alguns stocks que escolhes distribuem elevados dividendos ( $NESN $VALE etc) e como tal não são stocks de crescimento com elevado potencial de valorização.

E atenção os 28% são sobre os dividendos! Daí a minha recomendação para ETFs de acumulação ou growth stocks.
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Sim, isso é verdade. Sinceramente, não te sei explicar a 100% o porquê, é mais uma intuição pela visão que tenho.

É verdade que, se fores ver o crescimento no geral, o S&P 500 supera todas as ações a longo prazo. Mas acho que é pelo motivo de ser eu a escolher as ações, de entrar naquele momento específico porque acreditava em algo. Isso deixa-me mais feliz do que simplesmente fazer uma compra grande de S&P 500 todos os meses "sem algum motivo" por ser seguro.

Embora eu diga que manteria as ações por um longo tempo, a verdade é que, quando vejo que estão sobrevalorizadas, normalmente desfaço-me delas e retorno a algo mais seguro, como fiz com a NVIDIA depois do disparo.

Como disse anteriormente, também usei a saúde para camuflar estes ganhos. O meu aparelho dental custou cerca de 4000 euros, onde fiz um empréstimo pessoal sem juros. Usei o dinheiro para investir, o que me gerou um pouco mais de lucro, e abati o IVA.

Ainda estou a tentar perceber como tudo isto funciona. Caso veja que no futuro os 28% fazem diferença na declaração, obviamente irei mudar este meu mindset.

Até agora, a verdade é que não me afetou.

Obrigado pelas sugestões de ações, irei avaliá-las mais tarde!
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do you think $GMAB is worth buying now?
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@Memo0606 Definetly !
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