
Hi guys I have a question regarding an ETF. Please no unnecessary comments but factual information and criticism. I am still learning and of course have to question some things and there are some people here with experience and good knowledge :). So I invest monthly in the $CSPX (-1.14%) and I recently heard about this one $DBPG (-3.32%) . Double the return for the same risk? I mean I'm betting on the S&P going up in the long run anyway so what's the catch? Why not switch from the normal S&P? There is also a clear difference in the benchmark.


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Click on the ETF => Fundamental data => read... and then think again about the "same risk" thing
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The benchmark tool does not work for hebel products.

If it were that easy, why invest in a normal ETF?
Correct and good question, don't be uncomfortable 🙏
I hope the linked posts from Alfred have helped. Otherwise Youtube helped me 😜
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Also be sure to read this: https://getqu.in/KUIdfm/
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If your ETF falls by 50%, it has to make 100% for you to get back to zero and then there was the path dependency thing :o
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Exactly. Google the term Kate @Iwanowitsch gave you, @simonrxz:
path dependency

...once you have understood this, you can decide for yourself whether you want to invest in a leveraged product...if you don't understand the information you have found, then I think that would also be a helpful hint not to invest... 🤷‍♂️

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Both the colleagues from "Finanzfluss" and the "Finanzbär" explained this quite well in a YouTube video ;) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKdjLRsdHNs
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