
Gold continues to rise to ATH, silver follows.

The low general interest in the topic on Getquin and the skepticism of the experts @InvestmentPapa have encouraged me to open a first speculative position in silver. (P 30$, SL 26$).

You guys are great! I mean that sincerely. 🤗 So far, all speculations based on the Getquin sentiment have been positive (altcoins are still running at +50%). If it stays that way, I'll stay and continue to annoy you with critical and constructive questions. 😁🚀


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Well @InvestmentPapa and I had a great chat with you about it. Just as you would imagine when a new idea is thrown into the room 😅.

So yes, please continue to be critical and constructive

And good luck
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I have no issue with gold. It has worked perfectly for years as an admixture (10 - 15%) in my portfolio. There are certainly some investment opportunities that have performed better in recent years, but especially on bad days you can see that it still serves as a safe haven for some. How it behaves in a crash is of course another question, but so far I am very satisfied with the performance.
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@SteelAnacott Same here. I have been invested in gold for years and am very satisfied. The return is in no way inferior to ACWI.

What about silver, gold's little, unruly brother?
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@Epi I am invested but to a much lesser extent.
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