
My advice to all crypto newcomers as an experienced speculator:

It's always the same pattern. BTC leads the way, and slowly the voices of those who have understood it and have been with it for years begin to be heard. When the rise becomes unhealthy, those who have never dealt with it before come in - and they want to buy the top. This is followed by an important consolidation of the BTC price, where the general entry price increases, which is important for the market. When the price goes down in this consolidation, you see on-chain that many small wallets that bought the tops sell in panic, while the big wallets sell on the tops. When things get boring and there is little price movement in the BTC chart, the shitcoins pump.

At the Shitcoin top, people start asking again where the best place to buy these Shitcoins is, especially the Shitshit Coins. At the same time, you can see on-chain that the tops of these Shitcoins are sold again and again through exchange inflows from large wallets, while the retailer panics about not being at the party. So far, it has always been the same pattern, every single time. When it feels like no one is interested in BTC anymore, everyone has given up and massively exchanged "gold for shit", the BTC price breaks through to a new level again. I am sure that many people are now thinking about getting back into BTC.

Please, if you think you need to anticipate this seasonal retailer over-liquidity, rethink your speculative decisions. Also, be aware that shitcoins are not about utility, but only about the expectation of profit. If you look at the Shitcoins, ETH is the only one that can really be used - although the applications are also questionable, as this utility is virtually unused at the moment. ETH has massively underperformed compared to the other shitcoins. Why is that? Because we once again have a $APE (+3.37%) market in which coins are bought that live on a sectarian community, have a simple narrative and don't require any study to understand. I think most people's logic is: "Hey, I know this ticker, it already pumped in the last bull run, and the price is still very low, BTC is too expensive and can't go any higher." The problem is that retailers do not look at the market cap and have not plotted the chart logarithmically.

Everyone should do what they want, and I don't want to say that the party won't go on. There will certainly be more seasonal retail over-liquidity between now and the end of the year, as always, because Christmas bonuses or perhaps money from grandparents etc. are coming in. This "extra money" is then often seen as a lottery ticket. The easy money has already been earned and the party will only go on as long as retailers have excess liquidity.

I hope this helps some to avoid losses and understand how someone who has been around a long time sees things. I still have Shitcoin positions, but they are trading positions for me. You don't put Shitcoins in your portfolio for the long term - it's dead money 99% of the time, see the $XRP (+1.99%) chart. The only thing that really makes sense in the long term is BTC, because it has the greatest utility than digital gold and the best track record. Of course, you could also mention $ETH (+2.09%) as a lot has been built here. Probably also LINK $LINK (+2.65%) as it is more or less the industry standard for oracles, and Arbitrum $ARB (+1.22%) as an L2 solution. $SOL (+0.25%) Solana has also gained benefits, but compared to ETH it is still no comparison. The main benefits of SOL seem to be pump-and-dump, rugpull and memecoins.

Once again, the people who understand the market have already made a lot of money and are looking to cash out rather than put new money into XY new BTC now. I'm still slightly long, but I check the on-chain activity every day, sell the strength and buy the weakness.

By the way, after the new BTC ATH, we also had a local on-chain ATH in transactions from BTC wallets to exchanges. $BTC (+2.28%)


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& congratulations to all those who have kept the yieldless thing, which should have been at 0 for a long time, to over 100k. We've done well. 👏
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@Robinhodl In your estimation, when is the highest probability for the top in this cycle, if you look at the history, then it would be Q4/2025, but everyone feels that it is earlier...
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@lowiqinvesting If everyone says it has to be earlier, doesn't it have to be even earlier? Hahaha. For me, the most likely scenario is that I can't predict it.
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I thought I'd get an answer like that, honestly what do you think, I don't act according to what you say, I'm just interested in your assessment
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@lowiqinvesting I rebalance my cross margin between different shitcoins and BTC weighting, depending on the altcoin season, and have the leverage inverse to the Fear and Greed Index. I often make my isolation margin more on-chain driven with higher leverage and stronger hedging. It's not about guessing the top, I have no expectation. But take a look at the Pi-indicator for BTC, only it doesn't tell you the top now but when it will hopefully be there hahah
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Yes, I know
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I would force people to read this post before they are able to authenticate their transactions on Binance 😏
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if nobody makes the rookie mistakes, we can't make a profit, so why not?
BTC consolidations have to be tough, otherwise even my father will soon be part of the "new gold"

And don't you dare talk about SHitcoins again, they are SUPER !!!
At least as long as I have them in my profile :)
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@leveragegrinding 🤫This will be my entry liquidity so that I can buy even more SHITCOINS. BTC won't catch on; it's already done too well, it can't rise any more. XRP has to become the new reserve currency almost 100%. Hahaha. The main benefit of these shitcoins is to take the retailers' hard-earned money out of their pockets. I mean, now they're still thinking, what's he talking about, I'm massively up all right - but the question is whether the addiction memory will allow the sale if you remember the dopamine from the gains. Or whether you only sell after the party, when you need the money to live on and the gain dopamine is too long ago.
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My recommendation is to buy all crypto now !!!!
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@Testo-Investor right now, at least for me
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Where do you see the onchain activity?
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@lowiqinvesting I used to use Glassnode, but the good data got really expensive. Now it's CoinGlass, but since they give it all out for free, I always assume that it's not 100% true or maybe they just want to acquire customers. You can also backcheck the transactions with a blockchain analytics tool. IntoTheBlock and many others are also available. But there is also a lot of fake volume onchain, as well as on the spot and misinterpreted data.
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@lowiqinvesting by asking @Robinhodl on getquin every 10 minutes!
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@Robinhodl What are you looking at? Funding rate, open interest, fear and greed index?
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The theory keeps changing^^ On the one hand "retail gold" and grandma's Xmas presents are driving prices and on the other hand the reserve currency of the USA and the entry of pension institutions. So what now. :-P 🧂

You must be filthy rich btw, congratulations! :-D
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@GeldGenie I don't understand your comment, you must be confusing something. I never said what you said. I started with very little and have had a lot of luck, but I wouldn't call myself rich. But thx ❤️
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Because I just like giving you coins
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Very good contribution! Thank you for it and I fully agree!
Very well and helpfully explained. I also have a few shitcoins that have performed well recently, such as ETH, SOL, but also Cardano, Avalche etc. in smaller quantities. But I'm not buying any more for now. How exactly is the sentence with the logarithmic representation and the market cap to be understood?
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Good contribution @Robinhodl!
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Is the $XRP really a shitcoin? (I'm not in the crypto game at all)
Don't you see any potential there in the near future?
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How and where do you check the onchain activities for the entire market?
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@KrustyKrab I think you can't predict it and you have to take a long view. The good investors are slowly taking the chips off the table, but the thing is also that the market is not always efficient - this is where the opportunities for extra profits lie. What the market has done and what Trump is planning should be inflationary - it's just a matter of time. Expected catalysts to really heat up the party are already heavily priced in and expectations are very high. I always see it a bit like a bad illegal rave: there's already been a lot of banging at the moment, and now all you can do is enjoy the party and march along until the first ones puke and others add more to reach the previous high. Then it's time to call a cab. I mean, the ambulance could also come to pick up those who have overdone it and the party continues - but the police could also come.

MiCa shouldn't surprise anyone, it's typical of the EU, but exchange-wise I would only go with the big, established ones - Coinbase, Binance ... The risk of a small exchange in the Maldives ripping you off is much higher than having your assets frozen or something similar. The Hodl BTC insurance should generally not see an exchange and be in a cold wallet, where in the best case you lost your private key years ago in a boating accident should anyone ask haha.
What does on chain mean?
And where and how can you see it?
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