
$ELEPHANT (-2.83%) MONEY makes not only 98% of Cryptos look stupid - but pretty much everything else out there that carries a % sign ...

Since my first post 240% in profit, tendency "rising"!

Wanted to start meaningful debates on the subject at the time, however, there was not much to see except 🆘 and limited comments...

ELEPHANT MONEY is a DeFi project with an extremely poorly chosen name, but conceived by a person who used to be the CTO at Fidelity Investments - finance is therefore his daily bread.

I'm not saying this thing is the last Pepsi in the desert, but I think it's definitely a thing worth taking a closer look at.

Before Hate comes again - I don't invest an hour to offer a detailed text here, because besides Hate from

"super-intelligent-investors" & "🆘" not much comes around. But all those who are open to new things should really take a closer look at this.

Elephant Money is like all Cryptos HIGHLY SPECULATIVE & YOU should only use funds for this, on which you are not dependent.

💥Do your own Research! No Financial Advice💥


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More importantly, do you know what happened to Olli?
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@DonkeyInvestor no plan - the is somehow no longer there ... also lost on Instagram 😳
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Is that glowing eyes number kind of a Kypto thing? I vaguely remember some guy who had those too and was more hardcore into BTC than Tim Apple was into Cook.
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@Dipsy that means that you are focused - in crypto space ... and have the perspective 😅🤣
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What exactly do you think Elephant is doing that will make it last in the long run? People are incentivized to hold the stuff and at 10% transaction tax, just not touch it let alone use it. That alone is a huge red flag.
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@Portfoliopferd If you look at the chart and the transaction history, this can only be a Ponzi.
@TradingMelone which transaction history (where?)?
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@TradingMelone am since November 2021 in it ... runs so far ...
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@ActionChris the thing is pretty sure pushed by insiders and at some point hacked again, ruggedized, exploded call it what you will. Especially you as a bitcoiner should see that such a chart, such a transaction history is not even remotely sustainable. It is honestly too tricky for me now to completely backtrack where the rugg is in the whole but in principle is a huge point that you practically make a trunk and an elephant out of a BUSD - which in turn ensures a non-baked system - as long as the demand is there, it goes well when that falls away -boom-. There is certainly more behind it but I have no desire to read into something like that I just have to read through the chart roughly the system and the transaction history and see that will collapse.
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@ActionChris as long as you make money, that's wonderful for you. I don't go into any project where I know that it will eventually go to 0 without warning. Or just 99% down.
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@TradingMelone the founder is https://www.linkedin.com/in/tonyoncrypto ... he used to be CTO at Fidelity Investments ... since 2011 in BITCOIN ... he has no money worries ... the guy is a developer next level 😍 Check out the product - there are enough videos about it
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@TradingMelone I am in crypto since 2016 - I know what a scam is - had enough 😅 ... This is not one ... Elephant Money will put down in my eyes still so some 100% ...
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@ActionChris Why is the Trunk Stable coin only worth 22 cents?
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@ActionChris we talk again in 4 weeks
View all 10 further answers
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Typical "Money Lego" at its best. Stay away from such projects. Money is only shifted back and forth in the ecosystem.
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"[...] is a 100% complete and finished product and provides yield and price appreciation in any market cycle." I almost spit my coffee on the keyboard when reading the description.
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@Anon then spit ... 😜
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My 🆘🤡's ... 👌🏼🙌🏼🎪🤣
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@ActionChris Please check, people do not want to invest 2 weeks but years And risk profiles also play a role
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@leveragegrinding with Bitcoin you also only get 🆘 from these experts 🤣
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@ActionChris nope, but without info and only funny push posts you get SOS, no matter which asset
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@leveragegrinding even with info - only 🆘🤡's here ...
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@ActionChris what info do you mean? The whole coin is only built to lure people with high returns and to fever for a flippening and to find the next dumbest one.
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The secret of the whole thing is "BERTHA" - the giant whale 🐳 in the system, but which will never sell out - because it is part of the project ... These fees feed Bertha and make him stronger ...
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@ActionChris Do you mean a giant whale or a giant snowball?
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@Portfoliopferd Call it what you want ... Look at the chart ... with 20,000 wallets absolutely impressive ... I met the founder at the Bitcoin Conference, the guy is in BTC since 2011, he does not rip off a cent, he has enough ...

He has really set up a great project - check it out ... I myself have been in crypto since 2016, had some scams and "ideas" in which I was invested myself ... I have collected my experiences - this is different ... Check it out!

And please don't snowball ... all stocks are massively overvalued - everything is fake now ... there are no approaches to this growth ... Bitcoin will fix this 💥💥
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@ActionChris you rely a lot on .... and ....
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@California_Dreamin problem in the system - and 1.5 years later back on top - that is completely untypical for crypto ... The hack prevented a later disaster ...
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