
Edit: Thanks for all the feedback!🙏 The mix of approval and disapproval was of course to be expected in a soccer related topic 🌊

(Do we see that with the $TSLA (-4.32%) Giga Beer also?😄)

The comment from @Zackdela79 has stuck with me especially - so now I will keep two tickets after all and attend the game with my best friend. Will I still be dependent on the few hundred euros in a few years? You don't take money with you to the grave - but memories do ✨ And in addition to so much work, you should also treat yourself to something 🚀 Thank you for that! 💪

It was exciting to share the experience with you. After all, there is a lot in this decision that I encounter in my daily investment decisions - personal price-performance structure, opportunities, willingness to spend and consumer behavior, limits, personal views, etc. 🧠


Today one from the "Haters gonna hate" category 🤬

Yesterday I got the happy news that I'm one of the chosen few who could get hold of 4 tickets for the DFB Pokal final between Eintracht Frankfurt and RB Leipzig via the DFB's raffle - ticket price 160€ pT 💰

Already at the ticket request I had set my imaginary limit order to 1200€. If I can sell the tickets above that, they will be sold and I will take at least 500€ profit. Below that I'd rather make a nice day in Berlin at the final with 3 good friends - all Eintracht fans 🦅

Now came on $EBAY (-0.09%) the first price proposals come in, which are far above my limit price. Tickets are currently traded at around 500€ pT. Thus I will sell the tickets, because even as a member of Eintracht no sporting event in the world is worth so much money to me. Of course my friends can understand it and my girlfriend won't kill me. Especially since I'm just out of college and still earn well below 4K net 🧳

How would you have decided? The great day with your friends or taking the money with you? What would be the influencing factors of your decision?

... "real" football fans will of course demonize me for this decision 🌚


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Just think about what will be the best memory in 10 or 20 years: making 1,000 euros selling tickets or an unforgettable day with three friends and possibly the cup victory of my favorite team. And then do that. I would know what I'm doing - but I also love life 😉
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@Zackdela79 man, you really got me thinking again, the point is absolutely valid 🙏 I'm usually a bon vivant, too. But just also someone who cries for 20€, which he once again loses through an unnecessary warrant. 😄
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@Zackdela79 definitely the 1000 €. Soccer is entertainment for the rabble. A patrician prefers to enjoy amusement away from the dull masses.
@Zackdela79 the mob prefers the soccer match 🫡
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I don't know what to say to that. I know a lot of people who don't even earn 2k net a month and you're just whining here that you earn well under 4K and then want to make a profit from such a great experience. Do you know how many fans want to be in the cup final with your team once in a lifetime? That you quasi like-minded Eintracht fans "pull off", the whole then for me still the crown on.
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@Hitchkock89 I also see it that way. If you want to earn something and still has decency then you sell the ticket for 250 €. You get something out of it, the buyer is happy nen egg off, because otherwise he would never have been at such an event. And if I'm honest, I despise such profit-hungry people like you🤮
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@Nevs1848 for people who "despise" me, I play already not the benefactor 😂 For 250€ I would have gone myself and my close environment did not want it for this price. People to whom I have no relation (whether Frankfurt, Leipzig, neutrals) have to live with the prices common on the net.
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@MarcoZ Ultimately, your cards, your decision. I personally can not understand something like that, whether concerts or soccer. Have always resold at the original price cards, if I could not for some reason or have my JK passed on at half price or for free, if I could not. Have there probably a different morals / attitude. But an honest tip still for you: I would watch out and not get too greedy. People who sell tickets at completely inflated prices, are blocked at some clubs like times for life or get house calls from Ultra circles.
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@Hitchkock89 Then you misunderstood the sentence - my salary is great, but X€ more or less makes a difference for me personally. Willingness to spend is subjective, certainly some fans spend half their net salary on soccer. But I orient myself on my willingness to spend. To "deduct" I do not have to say much. Then you have a great attitude, would others think so and the prices would be on the appropriate Lvl, I would not even come into the temptation. But so it is too much 💰
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"Especially since I'm just out of university and I earn well below 4K net" Where does this belief come from that you get 4K net with studies? 😅 Since you need over 6,6k€ gross with tax class 1. What are 1000€ today vs. a presumably once-in-a-lifetime experience? Especially since I think as little of the ticket resellers as I do of the scalpers at Playstation and Co....
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@Staatsmann find just the last point crucial. If everyone now buys / hoards something to resell it for a profit, cheers. I myself waited 2.5 years for a PS5 because I didn't feel like throwing the money down the throat of a reseller. A boss of mine at the time bought 6 pallets (!) of toilet paper wholesale during Corona because he didn't feel like heart hunting in the supermarket. If everyone does something like that, hardly anyone with a normal income can afford anything. Affects me less, because I'm basically fine. But I don't think it's fair for the economically weaker members of society. Well, a bit similar to the prisoner's dilemma...
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@Staatsmann that was not related to the fact that I would have expected more or less after graduation, but should give an indication that 1k more or less still make a difference for me 😊 And thus one of the influencing factors of my decision. To resell - valid point, even if I do not see myself as a classic reseller. I didn't originally buy the tickets to resell them. The "opportunity cost" (pocketing 1000€ or spending 500€ incl. travel, meals, etc) is now at a level that a soccer game is not worth to me.
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not a true fan...would not stand in the block at a cup final of my club for any money in the world
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So I do not know right now what I find more strange. Your behavior, or that you post something like that even in a forum 🤔
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...and both certainly do not have a positive effect on his karma. ⛈️🥴
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If interested in an event and if the personal price-performance ratio fits -> buy tickets (and go) No interest in an event or the personal price-performance ratio does not fit -> do not buy tickets That tickets are considered as an investment and already at the time of purchase is considered to possibly sell them again, goes against the grain. Sorry, I really lack the access to and then also the understanding for such thinking & acting...
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Fuck the hater I've already so often somewhere what skimmed.....jeder as Fortuna it begrudges him🌈
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I'd knock those things off, too. Squeeze as much profit out of the cards as possible. 👍👍
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So this is what it looks like when our society is morally and humanly neglected.... Have only ever heard of it. Until now. Interesting!
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Yes, already crass and only difficult to digest 🤮 ...somewhere above he answered that also his friends would have to pay a surcharge if they wanted to have one of the tickets...unbelievable 😪
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So let's say: selling is legitimate - but then you are not a real Eintracht fan, because a real fan would not have sold the tickets for 10k each - 100%.
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Would rather worry about the fact that the sale on eBay with economic profit is strictly controlled by the club and for you could indulge harsh penalties ;)
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@Robinho99 hopefully lifetime stadium ban
I find it antisocial. But ask the Ultras from the curve...
I honestly don't understand why so many moralize here and are probably involved in weapons, tobacco, alcohol, gambling or other grits via some ETF or directly. Return comes through demand and a good purchase price. Morality has lost in business only as much as it affects their own values.
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Clearly sold the ticket! Is not worth it for me, although I am a soccer fan. You have to think rationally!;-) 500 € to watch how a troop of mercenaries chasing the ball. Never ever!
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One additional question. Do you sell all 4 tickets and leave your friends hanging, so to speak, or just yours? You have certainly each applied for the tickets! Will say that I would have done without my own.
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@GordonGekko83 No, I was the only one who had applied. They also knew nothing about it until yesterday. :) So I sell all 4 tickets. Of course I had offered them a friendship discount, but to them the ticket is also not worth much more than the original price, which is already very high at 160€.
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Difficult decision. A trip like this brings back memories, of course, but money isn't bad either. Maybe I would have chosen the memory by a hair's breadth afterwards. Just out of college and well below 4K? What did you study to be able to earn 4K if you don't mind me asking. I'm more interested in the sentence 😏
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@Joris to your question, I studied management and now work in a large consulting firm :) But I could have written "just above 3k" instead of "well below 4k". Was perhaps misleading 😄
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Am not a soccer fan, but if I were faced with the decision in terms of concert / festival tickets, I do not need to think long. The fun & the good old friends go before, quite clearly, and I think uncompromisingly! From the memories, you live your whole life, the money saved would be for me only a snapshot and not "Sustainable". But each as he likes it 🤗
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Just like in the days of the GFX or PS5 scalpers, you can't wish people more than diarrhea. 🤮 I hope that the tickets will be issued in names and not for sale.
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Glad if I could help 😊
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I'm not a soccer fan, so I would have done exactly as you or I did not even apply for the tickets 🫣😂 Would be too boring for me to watch... because I'm happier to hew the amount in the deposit and be happy about the larger deposit amount. Or you do with the money something else nice, there are much more exciting... but what is it called? - Live and let live 🤙🏽
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Don't be angry with me, but this is disgusting for me. Not wanting to use the tickets from the start.
The roughly 2000€ profit is more than 20,000€ in 35 years (7%), so you certainly get a bit more out of it. Not to mention the possible dividends, stock splits, etc.
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I find it rather frightening how negative the opinions are here. I myself am not a soccer affine person & would also sell that. To the point with the memory in 10-20 years, so from my perspective I find it sad that this game is apparently such a highlight. I think one remembers clearly more contentful things. Besides, if you can sell the tickets at such a price, go for it. And that disgusting "scalper thing" on your tombstone won't say "Highly moral & ethical man on it" either. What does your gut tell you?👀🤝
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