
Joining Netflix?

In your opinion, does it still make sense to invest in Netflix $NFLX (+1.11%) at the moment? What do you think, will there be a split soon?


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Has just risen by 13 %😉
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@GHF Thanks for the tip.....
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@GHF That's why he asks, fomo😂😂
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It can happen, if it goes on like this then I think so
I think a split is to be expected. Then they might be a buy (cf. walmart. Many people here have also said: well, that won't change the valuation of the share and it won't perform any better. Correct, no different valuation. But excellent development since then; similar to Broadcom, although I wasn't as surprised as with walmart)

At the moment I wouldn't just go in. First see where it goes now after the rise because of the numbers
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