
$HAUTO (-1.12%)


Höegh Autoliners with an Extraordinary General Meeting on 20.11.2024 and announcement of a capital reduction.

According to today's company news, it is planned to obtain approval for a capital reduction from NOK 14.80 to NOK 1 at the Extraordinary General Meeting.

Furthermore, the quarterly dividend planned for the beginning of November will be proposed. A dividend of $USD 1.2843 per share is to be distributed. The ex-dividend date is Dec. 9, 2024 for all shares held on Dec. 6, 2024; the payment date is then Dec. 18, 2024

The share price fell sharply today, even though the company's figures were good. However, the capital reduction would also have the positive side effect that the reduced capital would be transferred to a deposit account and future dividends could then be paid out tax-free. The annoying withholding tax in Norway could then be eliminated, which could make the dividend paper even more interesting.


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@Lena135 perfect ne this pimmelberger....
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@KoenigsRasse what are you trying to tell us 🤔🤔
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Your post is just 5 times in my timeline is that a bug with me or did you click on post 5 times
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@topicswithhead I can see that right now 🤷‍♀️🤔 I'll see if I can delete something
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@topicswithhead I had it three times.... I have now deleted 2 posts.
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Does it make sense to buy again before December?
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@Steel-Team Not in my opinion, as at least this special dividend will not be tax-exempt and you will have to pay more than 50% despite the high payout. 25% withholding tax in Norway (yes, it is refundable, but not yet) plus capital gains tax and solidarity surcharge. Actually, it all reads well for the moment. If you want to get into the stock, then after the dividend discount and when the resolution is passed. Then you will be buying a company from Norway with a withholding tax-free dividend at a favorable price.
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@Dividendenopi Thank you for this very detailed information. I am currently invested with a small amount of 1k. Think I'll buy again after the reduction. Yes, the Norwegian withholding tax is a real hit 😩
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@Steel-Team I currently hold 600 shares with a good buy-in from the beginning of the year. I will probably increase the position ex-dividend and fill it up, I still have to examine the background to the change in management.
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@Dividendenopi We'll be hanging on your every word as soon as you have information 😀👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
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@Steel-Team I'll have to get @Khlmysee on board to see what he thinks.
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@Dividendenopi I don't know. I only know that $KCC will be very interesting. There has been a not insignificant change here, which has led one analyst to raise the target value to NOK 145.
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@Khlmysee no longer invested?
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@Dividendenopi Currently not. It will come back when general interest wanes somewhat.
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@Dividendenopi When will the dividend resolution be passed?
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@Alfred16 to the Annual General Meeting
View all 3 further answers
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What is a capital reduction?
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@impuff The par value or nominal value per share is reduced.
@Dividendenopi hmmm ... so it's like a stock split, except that shareholders don't receive any additional shares?
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@Atacama But if they lower the share price, as they did with the share price cap, we have to get more shares, otherwise you make a loss and I don't believe that.
@-Nobody- Yes, I think - but I don't know - that this is precisely the reason why the price has just fallen.
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@Atacama No split, the number of shares remains the same. The nominal value of the shares will be reduced to NOK 1 and the released capital will be placed in a separate investment account from which dividends will be paid in the future. As stated in the report to the Annual General Meeting
@Dividendenopi okay, thank you 👍
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@Dividendenopi that's how i had read it out i only didn't pass with the 14 to 1 NOK 🤔 but then i'll wait and see hab
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Does anyone have any idea what the dividend will look like in 2025? I think 0.5 - 0.6 USD per quarter (without ship sales or special effects), what do you think?
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@WolfOfAllStreets If the money from the capital reduction is transferred to the deposit account as planned, future dividends could be paid tax-free or tax-reduced. The withholding tax could be eliminated. This would even make it possible to reduce the dividend without it having any impact. Let's wait for the figures. And ships are more likely to be bought in the course of the switch to climate-neutral operation. I'll stay invested, take the dividend and then see whether I buy more.
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