
Build up a pension portfolio at the age of 55

Moin moin and a happy new year 2025!

I am building my pension on 3 pillars.

the state pension (after all, I have paid in a lot)

Rental income

Cash flow portfolio with dividends

I'm building up the last pillar from this year and I'm happy to take it with me on my journey.

The key facts in brief

I have earmarked EUR 150,000 for the investment. I currently have 100k with the broker and 50k in the call money account. There was already some interest in December and the first purchases started yesterday.

3% max per position = 4,500 EUR in 5 tranches of approx. 900€

12,500 EUR max. per month

Entry according to chart technique at support levels in an oversold environment.

So it will take at least 12 months until I have invested my cash.

The key figures mentioned above are guidelines and not set in stone. A position can also have an initial value of 4K or 5K. Dividends can be reinvested. But should build up a cash position for later crashes.

I am curious to see how the project will go.

I would be delighted if you were there and we could have a good exchange.

Have a good start to the new year

Best regards

$O (-0.1%)
$PEP (+0.09%)
$AWK (-0.99%)


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Have a good trip :)
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@SSIT Thank you very much!
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Good luck, if you are interested in high yield products, you will find a few people who are also involved with them at $QYLE and $JEPQ.
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@TaxesAreTheft Thank you! and of course I'd love to have a look around :-)
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I'm the same age and still have a similar amount available.

I save 5 ETFs a week and only invest in individual stocks that pay a dividend of at least 8% when I buy them.
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@Pezi oha, I'm a bit more conservative when it comes to dividends. Try to find a mix of dividends and growth. Even if the stocks are boring, there should still be some growth to be expected. Well, and due to the ongoing correction in my entries, bounces are always to be expected.
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@RenteRenditeReisen one does not exclude the other 😉

You can take a look at them:





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Good luck with your project, you can take a look at my portfolio for a few dividend suggestions 😉😇
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@Dividendenopi I will do that 100% :-) Thanks for the good wishes
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I wish you every success!
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Good luck on your investments!!!
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Good luck 🍀
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@d4ndel1on Thank you Stefan
It is better to divide the money into a maximum of 10 positions
If more, only do etf because otherwise it won't do you any good
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@HansDampfderAktionaer Thank you for your feedback. My plan to invest in individual shares is in place. When the investments are finalized, I will work with options for additional income if I have the appropriate number of shares. ETF often cannot be written options, or are simply not liquid.
Good luck already. Are you not thinking about bonds / bond funds, if you don't mind me asking? There are certainly some interesting opportunities at the moment, I'm currently working my way through them with varying degrees of success.
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@0000 Thank you very much! No, unfortunately that's not my asset class. I would like to concentrate on the investments that I know and can look back on many years of experience
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I would be interested in the rental income. Apartment/house/parking space ?
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Apartments, some with underground parking spaces. I am releasing these with expiring fixed-interest annuities. Then it's around EUR 2000 before tax
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I got my father into Bitcoin at the age of 72, started 5 years ago and he continues to buy more and more, his Bitcoin share is 10%, which gives an additional 7-8% return boost per year, the rest he has in NASDAQ 100 ETFs and SP500, so he has had an average annual return of around 24% for almost 10 years. I myself have about 40% in crypto and 60% in Nasdaq/SP500, so I've had an annual return of about 40% for 5 years. Just sit out the volatility and don't go crazy on setbacks, there hasn't been a safer market environment for investing in the last 100 years.
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Good luck
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Why not a dividend ETF? I look forward to your thoughts on this.
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Good luck! Which broker do you use?
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Top! It doesn't get any better than thishttps://media.tenor.com/Ofy3iyiFsoUAAAAM/what-dog.gif
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Good plan, and good luck. But maybe I wouldn't invest the entire 150K in dividend stocks. Maybe build a second growth portfolio where you build up some cash and go for performance.
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