
Hi guys,

after the past month I feel the need to share some things about my portfolio.

There were some changes, additional and new purchases, nerves and a lot of lessons learned. But one after the other.

$DIS (-0.65%)

Disney had to give way from the depot and make room for the following candidate. Disney remains super interesting, but through the exchange no longer for me. The opportunity to take advantage of the setback in the other value outweighed the perspective and perceived security that Disney offers me or does not offer to outperform a world in the medium term.

$ASML (+1.4%)

ASML had a textbook setback here in mid-March in the wake of the bank quake, which I had exploited very well. In the meantime, I also manage to incorporate charts well into my buying decision. The had namely revealed that we have a support at about 560€. So I struck at 561€, with the foresight that it will not go lower without major negative influences for the time being. So it came then also.

With the whole switch between $DIS (-0.65%) and $ASML (+1.4%) I am currently very satisfied.

$EKT (-0.11%)

Super exciting it became with my renewable energy bet. At 76 € we entered a few days ago down to 60 € and partly below. I had already placed the StopLoss order just below 60. The SL to set, and whether at all for me meaningful or not, I find difficult at the moment. It was also based on the chart.

I had deleted it fortunately again because I have referred to why I got in in the first place, especially since I absolutely wanted to wait for the consolidated financial statements 2022 on 31.03. and "participate". And it was a good thing I did. By re-buying I was able to lower the EK and now with +10% around the reported figures, I'm here again +-0. From now on, it's hopefully back in the right direction 📈

$AUTO (+0.22%)

AutoStore from two of my posts lost a patent lawsuit on Thursday vs. $OCDO (+2.04%) lost. Out of 6 patents, two were invalidated in advance, two were withdrawn by AutoStore, and two were "dismissed" (I can't think of a suitable German word right now) with Thursday's ruling.

I am struggling with the value at the moment, even before the court decision. The stock is in the portfolio because I like the product. The company may be growing nicely, but the surrounding does not correspond to my strategy. In addition $AUTO (+0.22%) is very volatile, going up 20% a week and down again.

Therefore, I play with the idea to put the money back into the $RBOT (-0.49%) which has performed much better YTD. Somehow I feel thereby also confirmed that I just drive with the sector ETF and not the individual stocks in the area.

$FTNT (-1.44%)

Fortinet is becoming the favorite stock in the portfolio, which somehow nothing can shake. Falling low, great volatility? Fortinet does not know that. Here, it climbs one step after the other and never looks back. At least that's how it feels. Nice value, which I was also able to buy in mid-March. Want to expand the position even further, the question remains only when and at what price.

$QNT (-1.4%) and $ATOM (+3.7%)

With Quant and Cosmos I have added two crypto bets to the portfolio. But the way there was a single farce, which you should not really tell anyone 🙄

With $AUDIO (+0.16%) I already had a crypto bet last year, but I sold it in the wake of the crisis around Solana.... With -80%.The money went directly into bitcoin, so made up a few percent again. With Audius itself I did not want to go more, the idea behind it convinced, the implementation rather not.

But because I am convinced that blockchains have come to stay, I am not investing in a specific project with a use case, but in the need for different blockchains to be able to communicate with each other in the future. This is about so-called interoperability, where Quant and Cosmos are trying to solve exactly that, but taking different approaches, which for me are not mutually exclusive. Of course, the positions are kept small.

The position at $QNT (-1.4%) was like a small war, because I constantly wanted to get the best return by choosing the best entry point. The back and forth between the fear that it won't go down that much more, so you've already missed something, and the greed for every percentage point of return really got me to the point where I really felt like I was being made fun of and had to seriously ask myself what I was actually doing.

Stop. Reset. Back to the basics.

Now I am quite happy. Buy a position and leave it when you are convinced. The essentials.

What else has kept me busy?

I have to say, this month quite a lot, too much. I have 4 weeks in the wake of the banking crisis and what you have read at the crypto part, so much read, heard, consumed myself that I must say today, it was too much.

As nice as it is to read above that you have caught a supposedly right entry point, but it is so nerve-wracking. Constant back and forth and questioning yourself whether what you are doing is perfect.

But it also took this overshooting the mark to really reach the limits. You don't have to do everything perfectly, small mistakes and inaccuracies are the rule on the stock market, it's just about avoiding the big mistakes.

Lessons learned, again!

And now have a nice evening you dear 😘

P.S.: Actually I just wanted to write a post to attach this GIF by all means 🤣


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ASML is also simply the better company :D
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@SharkAce the positions are also "historically grown" xD Originally, the values should once coexist, but then ASML ran away, new titles came into the portfolio and now just as described 😊
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How nice of you that you report honestly about your approach 🙂 Often you read or see only the final result, without the way there, I call that real added value! Is there still a continuation regarding the crypto bets? Turtle with 🐰 ears 🤩, nice.
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@FrauManu thank you 😍 I had the need to just get rid of that too. You could already say that this has stressed, this attempt to make it perfect with the next purchase. Then you think in a moment now you have understood how the Easter Bunny runs, only to be a few days later again richer by some experience. But about perfect it's just not at all. In the crypto bets's nothing new, the bet should also go a few years. It's not supposed to be a trade. At least, the plan is in place. The quant position is full, if we go down another 20%, I'll buy Cosmos again. The only time then. But if Bitcoin comes over the $30k, then the post-buy money will also be invested directly in Cosmos. And then left. if there is something to report, I will do it 🙃 The next question is how big do I want my individual positions to become, so that my risk remains manageable. The question I had actually already answered, and with 10%.but I'm over it and actually still want to buy. Well it was also in between 7 instead of the planned 5 individual shares. Yes, that will then probably clarify so in the next few weeks 🙂 What keeps you busy just around the topic of money / investing? Or otherwise 😁
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@Fabzy wow, again very detailed, thank you 🤩. You have to help me really briefly, because I'm decently overwhelmed and do not know if it's a bug. This post is displayed to me with 20 comments, I can see and read only 6. I have this for days and do not know what it is. I would like to comment with picture, but I can not!
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I would definitely not invest in $DIS. As long as Disney really focuses on good movies/series and no political correctness agenda.
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@foxneo what are you alluding to?
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@California_Dreamin spontaneously, I would say good. What bringts if it makes you with ready when the prices collapse. Dulled is good, if it comes through the confidence in the values from the depot. I think with each title I could well endure a -20% price slide, if it goes down then generally and the problem does not depend on the individual value, then of course you would have to decide in each case. It must also not be an emotional blunting, but perhaps also simply a calm objectivity? 😉
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@California_Dreamin to wish at the same time falling and rising prices, there you are not alone! On the one hand, the confirmation that the selected titles are the right ones and on the other hand, with exactly this knowledge, but to have expanded the right positions far enough. Yes that really tugs. I then simply rewind in my head 1, 3 or 5 years into the future and claw at the feeling when you can say with a clear conscience: I did everything right.
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@California_Dreamin I think it depends on the individual and also on the strategy. For me, a rational, relatively unemotional approach to my investments is pleasant. I know my portfolio value roughly, of course, but whether it is 5k lower or higher (fluctuation range in an ordinary month) is actually quite indifferent to me. I basically already deal quite a lot with my retirement savings/fire, if that would also occupy me emotionally, it would be much too much for me personally. The first 1-2 years I was also more emotional and wondered which decision now what exactly has affected. Until I understood that many things were simply priced in by the market from the start - it's just not always easy to find out what exactly the market expectation was. Over time, I have lost / discarded the emotions for volatility as well as for larger amounts of money (in college I still considered 10k€ to be a really large sum of money, today this is in the range of "normal market fluctuation"). For me it was not wrong, I think. If you drive other strategies than buy and hold and check is possibly a bit more "commitment" but also useful.
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@KevinC Yes, I agree with you. The depot grows now then also times neatly, just by the fact that one 1, 2 years or even more always regularly capital reinsteckt. Then suddenly fluctuations of 5% are already 5,000 € or 10,000 €, as you say. I find then again another dimension that makes you think, but you also learn over time to deal with it and become more hardened. I also continue to believe that with further experience also comes further serenity, for me, I am now "only" since 12/21. Sundra, you are already a little longer on the ball. You just have to have been through a few crises and find your (middle) way. Mine consists for now of no longer listening to Markus Koch twice a day, having 5 different investing apps on my phone and meticulously listening to the earning calls 😅 Markus Koch only when needed, app number and notifications have been scaled down and only read the summary of the earnings.
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@California_Dreamin That sounds - in my opinion - like a very healthy attitude. With a good strategy, things certainly don't go perfectly sometimes - it gets difficult when it performs poorly at the very beginning. My parents opened a small portfolio for me in the 90s. There wasn't much in it (35x Daimler, and shares of Dresdner Bank (later became shares of Commerzbank and Allianz). It was only after my apprenticeship and studies that I really had the time to deal with investments for the first time. That's when I finally got around to dealing with the subject. Since 2001 (conversion of the shares) the portfolio had no movement outside the annual dividends. Getting access to it at all (everything was still analog in the 90s) was an act with umpteen phone calls - didn't have oneline account, pins or anything else. Had very low expenses at the time and felt like I missed a lot of time. At 28, only had some savings in account (10k?). Due to quite acceptable salary and low expenses (own apartment in a grandparent's house -> payment was shopping and mowing lawn once a week) was able to make larger deposits monthly. FOMO was great, but of course I made many mistakes: the broker I used was very old and charged 10€ order fees. I had not paid attention to it and initially with positions such as "10x Coca-Cola" a lot of money thrown out the window. Just like tax unfavorable ETF locations, etc. I made every mistake I could think of, even though I read up a lot on investing in parallel. Maybe it would have made more sense to wait a little longer and not make 50-70% of the mistakes. Well, lesson money and no longer change 🤷‍♂️ beginning of 2018 was that. 2020 I then set myself the goal of not having to work until retirement in a job that I do mainly for the salary. I assume I can also find jobs that I enjoy more than my current one. However, they will pay nowhere near what I envision.
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@Fabzy very good point! These notifications are mMn for many users not necessarily good. I have for many apps actually disabled the mobile data. Not (yet) for Getquin, but I should possibly limit myself a bit. In my old job I commuted long every day (80 km, 1-1.5h each way). There I listened to all the stock podcasts that came out. Was way too much in the end. My watchlist had around 140 stocks because I kept hearing about interesting companies. Now I'm more interested in the longer term issues. I only commute 2x (weekend commuter, new job) and listen to what really interests me and gets me ahead. Jumping on every bandwagon or at least every unknown company once to sift / screen was at some point almost as much work as my full-time job 😅 At some point there should also be time for friends, partner / partner, hobbies and sports...
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@DerCheruskerFuerst yes, your portfolio is really nice 👏 If I was looking for dividends, mine would look really similar, maybe 10-15 stocks less, but I really like the selection. This will definitely yield decent and regular cash flow 👍
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