

$MPW (-1.32%) I'm a little worried about the euphoria over the share price rise in the last month, perhaps driven by the recent news that one of the tenants, if not the biggest one, is in recovery, but the truth is that the company has an absurd debt and I honestly don't see them generating enough revenue/cash to fight this debt that reaches 3B by 2026.

I really like this type of segment but for now I'll stay out of it and keep watching!


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I have an average 5€ buy in price.
I’m waiting, taking the dividends.
Fortunately, they manage everything quite well, stock will get an insane pump.
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@DividendenMax € 5.- is not bad! I’m at 6.50 USD (pls state prices in original stock prices 😋).

Got solis dividends and if I add my option income on top I’m already break-even. 🥰
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@DividendenMax tell me a reason for stock do that 🤔
I can’t see my friend.
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se reparares os analistas não estão a aconselhar comprar mas sim manter
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@monopolio yes, I'm aware of this, I believe it a lot because of this phenomenon. A lot of people are focused on the dividend, but there's no point in receiving 6%/year in dividends when the stock falls 14%/year or more, I say.
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@TioBilli what exactly is the point of dividends if the stock is so low it's not worth it?
MPW is going through rough times ... so therefore the stock price is low. Their asset value and and mid term future FFO potential would suggest significant upside (arguably around 10 USD per share). It's an interesting high risk/high reward investment opportunity, you need to decide for yourself if you want to invest here.
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