
Hi Leute

Because German isn’t my native language, I will write this post in English.

I’m 19 years old and started investing with the bank at the end of 2020. Those Axa Bank funds weren’t the best decision, so first of all I was wondering if I should drop them and maybe invest them in $IWDA (-0.26%) ? What does the community think? I would also opt to make this change with $SUSW (+0.18%) too.

Feel free to give me your overall opinion about my complete portfolio too.

Although I’m not really able to speak German, I do understand nearly everything. So you can all write in German.


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You should definitely drop the AXA fonds. They are way too expensive. You gonna loose lot of potential gains with them.

I would invest it into $IWDA. $SUSW is not diversified enough for me. It has only 460 positions. Normal msci World has 1500.
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@Snopy Expectations that an underperforming fund will suddenly do better are low anyway I suppose?
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@MatisseVerleye well it can outperform. But definitely not over the long term.
With a TER of around 1.8% it need to outperform the market at least 2% to justify the high costs. The chances are nearly zero that it will outperfirn over the long term.
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First of all: I like your invest to Engie. It’s also in my List, cause of my work for engie elecrabel. My strategy is 50-60% USA and a couple of companies in Europe and worldwide. My Main-Topics are next year: Blockchain, KI and Nuclear. I invested also in Stellantis Netherlands. If you speak Flams or Netherlands, you can also write back in this language. Diversity is not all. It’s important that you understand the company, products and services and the possible growth. And many more.
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@MrMister I believe there are also good companies to be found in European markets. That's why I want to focus my ETFs mostly on the US and the rest of the world but the companies in my portfolio are companies that are more watchable in Flanders, so I know them better.
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You should be able to write in your mother language. It should be auto translated into English
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I find your portfolio very exciting. Finally some variety here. I think your composition is good. You buy what you know/understand. I would probably diversify even more. But you can also just keep pumping up your chosen ones.
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@income_magician_28 I would like to further diversify by buying a GVV (that’s the name in Belgium for an Immobilienunternehmen) that has some healthcare property. For example $COFB has a relatively low dept ratio and sells with a discount on the intrinsic value. I wanted to buy around €60 but missed the train because I thought it would go even underneath €50. Maybe a beginner’s mistake :)
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@MatisseVerleye I also believe interest rates are going to drop, so maybe now still is a good time to invest in real estate? What do you think?
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I would buy some now. But be sure to study all the figures beforehand to see if they can make it back up again.
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