
$EOAN (+1.69%)

After the third quarter of 2024, we are still on track to achieve the Konzernziele for the year as a whole. This bereinigte Konzern-EBITDA is still in line with expectations at 6.7 billion euros and bereinigte Konzernüberschuss 2.2 billion euros after nine months, we are still in line with expectations. The ramp-up of the Investitionen our Group is making good progress. We were able to increase our investments in the energy transition by 20 percent compared to the same period last year: we invested around 4.7 billion euros in the first nine months, 3.6 billion of which in the grid business.

As expected, our adjusted Group EBITDA of around EUR 6.7 billion in the first nine months of 2024 was below the previous year's high figure, which was characterized by positive Einmaleffekte was characterized by positive effects (9M 2023*: EUR 7.8 billion). Adjusted for these one-off effects, the underlying EBITDA increased in the low triple-digit million euro range, in particular due to investment-driven growth. Business development in the first nine months thus confirms the picture that already emerged after the first half of the year.

Adjusted Group net profit amounted to around EUR 2.2 billion in the first nine months of the 2024 financial year (9M 2023*: EUR 2.9 billion) and was therefore also in line with expectations. We remain on track for the year as a whole and continue to expect adjusted Group EBITDA of between EUR 8.8 billion and EUR 9.0 billion and adjusted Group net profit of between EUR 2.8 billion and EUR 3.0 billion.

In the Geschäftsfeld Energy Networks, adjusted EBITDA in the first nine months was almost on a par with the previous year at just under EUR 4.8 billion (9M 2023*: EUR 4.8 billion). Temporary effects, particularly with regard to redispatch costs in Germany, had a significant positive impact on earnings in the same period of the previous year. In addition, the volumes transmitted were slightly below plan compared to the previous year. In contrast, higher investments in the growing grid infrastructure boosted earnings. The switch to the new electricity regulation period also led to a positive contribution to earnings, partly due to the increased regulated asset base and simultaneous reduction in imputed costs. Eigenkapitalzinssätze a positive contribution to earnings.

Source: Quartalsmitteilung Januar – September 2024


I'm buying today after 😉
@Neverloosemoney doesn't sound too bad in any case.
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