
getquin User Survey 2025

Dear Community,

As we do every year, we have created a small survey this year to better understand how we can further improve our product and better respond to your wishes.

You would help us a lot if you would take the time to fill out the following questionnaire:

EN: https://m6q2hlakjib.typeform.com/to/Tsdrk4oV

EN: https://m6q2hlakjib.typeform.com/to/TWoq5ooP

Among all participants we raffle a €500 Amazon voucher.

Thank you for your support!


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Done, and don't ask questions if you can't stand the answers 😇😉. Fun..... but if I get personalized offers for private health insurance in the future, I'll be angry. Although, I'm not interesting because I'm too old 😈
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I found the questions about private insurance... wild.
But yes, I took part.
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How are you going to raffle off the voucher? You can't see who has filled in the survey, can you? I haven't entered my details anywhere.
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@Investment4Life Cookies alone are not sufficient to directly identify a person unless they are linked to a login or other unique data, which is not the case here.
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@kasperflapscher session-referrer, if you call up the link here from the app
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@kasperflapscher I had indeed asked myself the same question 😅
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Done. Thank you for continuing to do this regularly and asking the community for feedback.
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Beautiful and clean survey
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Does private insurance mean health insurance?
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@Jb9 yes exactly :)
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@Gqnina Why should this information be relevant?
To show advertising :)
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@Investment4Life To explore new product opportunities
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@Gqnina Crazy soon advertising for insurance 😂😂 I got 1 year Premium even then there is a lot of advertising although you pay. Unfortunately, it's really not worth it. 😞
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@federalreserve The premium version also does not state anywhere that it comes with freedom from advertising. Many of the analysis tools are premium.
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@Metis Better no advertising, the analysis tools are not really outstanding either.
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What do you mean by "Are you privately insured?" - Of course I am. I have private liability insurance, for example. That's why I answered yes. However, I don't have private health insurance, if that's what you meant.
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OK, participated.
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