
Looking for input

So I just realised that I've been investing for exactly 1 year and 1 week, so I thought this would be a good moment to reflect. I'm 36, the total portfolio size is 50k+ and the money isn't needed in short term. My portfolio summarised:

1. ETF core, 50% at minimum: $VDEV (+0.02%) and $VFEM (-0.47%) , recently added $EUE (-0.8%) as I see more potential in the EU than in the US in the short-medium term. I like how a combination of these 3 ETFs allows for more adaptability than simply putting everything in a world ETF. Plus, the TER is a bit lower.

2. Individual stocks, max 10 positions, only including companies that I understand and have faith in that they will perform well in the next couple of years. The goal is to at least match $IWDA (+0.62%) but preferably to make some additional gains. In summary:


$NVDA (-0.66%) : committed after the post-Deepseek dip, will just wait out all the short-term turbulence

$AMZN (-0.68%) : doesn't need additional info.

$ASML (-1.96%) : ditto

$VRT (-2.02%) : see one of my previous posts on GQ. Bit too volatile for me now, but when the AI-hype picks up again, will perform well.


$NVO (+0.31%) : I have a lot of faith in the GLP1-narrative, stock is very undervalued

$LLY (+0.99%) : same at NVO, got pummeled hard recently but in longer term another good bet in the GLP1-race.


$ALV (-0.77%) : popular German insurance company. Divident-wise, I have more faith in insurance companies than banks. Banks also face more headwinds due to fintech.

$ASRNL (+0%) : comparable to Allianz, solid, no-nonsense Dutch insurance company.

Bit more speculative:

$NU (-0.84%) : I think fintech has a lot of potential and NU was valued quite cheaply compared to US- or EU-based counterparts. Could benefit from US recession if USD evaluates.

What are your thoughts? What would you add or lose? I'm thinking of adding $GOOG (+0.59%) when the current downtrend subsides. Does make the portfolio more tech-heavy but all companies are internationally oriented (in case of US recession) and should outperform in the longer term.

Thanks in advance!


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That's quite an interesting strategy you're following. With individual stocks, you should check the weighting of your ten positions once a year and see if any rebalancing is necessary. And as I see it, 50% is in ETFs. A classic core-satellite strategy.

I don't know how much money you have invested, but if it's less than €10,000, I would recommend building a solid foundation with ETFs first and gaining some experience.

Additionally, I would stick with the strategy you have now and not abandon it too quickly. Constantly switching back and forth rarely leads to success, so stay the course.

If your individual stock positions are only around €100 each, or even less, I would simply put that money into an ETF instead.
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@CaptainRTL thanks for your extensive reply. The total portfolio is currently 65k with some savings for opportuniatic buys. Position weighting is a good point, I always find that both difficult and unintuitive. Most positions are 3-5k for individual stocks, only $NU is smaller as it's a bit more speculative. My whole portfolio went down quite a bit in recent events but I'm convinced that it's good for the medium to long term.
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@Nova_portfolio Yes, with a portfolio volume of 65,000, that's obviously a completely different story. I can only say that the diversification is already very strong, as well as the individual stock selection. I really have nothing to criticize. The fact that you also have various ETFs, which in my opinion truly represent the global market, makes it even better. Of course, it's important to adjust the weighting annually, but other than that, I think you're doing very well with this system. Wishing you continued success – a strong portfolio!
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Dude, invest in what you understand!
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@Carpe-Diem what do you mean?
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Why so much positions with many loses? You're better off with investing in a ftse all world or s&p500 combined with exus.
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@Noord26 because tech is getting slaughtered ATM.
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@Nova_portfolio 10% backtest comes every 12 to 16 months. So if you're 13 months into investing, this is totally normal. Slaughtered is a +25% drop.
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@Noord26 but what's your point? That the portfolio lacks diversification, that the individual stock choices were poor or something else?
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@Nova_portfolio last year S&P500 was op over 20%. That would be still around 8% in the last year. You're down 4% over the last year. So you're better of with a (couple of) ETF's.
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'you're better off putting everything in a savings account, then you would've made +1.5÷, now you've lost money' 🤷🏻‍♂️
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