
TradeRepublic is giving away up to €10,000 - How you can take part!

TradeRepublic is offering a new way to give away shares and ETF units. It's easy to do by e-mail and gives you the chance to win shares worth up to €10,000.

You can now send shares and ETFs directly by e-mail. If you send a value of at least €25, you automatically qualify for the competition.

If you don't have any friends, you can also send the shares to yourself and take part in the competition yourself.

I personally find it really interesting and would have tried to motivate some people to start investing.

Well, unfortunately I didn't win anything, but I wish you every success. Who will you be sending a share to? 🎁

$VUAG (-1.53%)
$IWDA (-1.52%)
$MNST (-2.09%)







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"If you have no friends...." is my favorite.

Can I also send the negative holdings in my portfolio to someone? 😂😂😂
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@AlterMann you buy new stocks and they are then shipped
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@AlterMann In any case, they've lost you as a friend - if you ever were one 😬
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I won 50€ Nike🔥
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Yesterday I got €25 in $APP from a friend😄👀 his prize was €2 in the competition 😂
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@DonkeyKongx One of my colleagues didn't win anything 😂
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@UndercoverTrader A minute's silence for your colleague 😄🕯
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Yesterday I gave away ETF shares to both my sons but could only enter the competition once.
Mess, I insist on another draw. 😂
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They can't keep up with all the securities account transfers as it is, what will it be like now if everyone gives away shares and transfers them to other securities accounts. o: Did you receive immediate notification that you had won?
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@Doe yes, you can see the profit/non-profit directly
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@Doe my share was activated in the same minute and I didn't win anything but it worked straight away
@Doe In this case, this is not a securities account transfer of a share. It is more or less like a voucher that is only redeemed in the custody account receiving the gift.
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@Lukas2998 ah well, so I give the money away and the share is bought in the other portfolio
@Doe Exactly, of course it's much easier for TR that way.
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I got 2€ Nivida fragments for 100€ $VHYL which I sent to my friend. 🌚
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I received €10 in Amazon shares, which I thought was fair 😅
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@Julien_rei How high was the value you sent?
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@ole-4063 does not matter must be at least 25€
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200, but I also think it doesn't matter
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Just wanted to give you a try, money stayed in the family 😅
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A community Secret Santa like this would be something
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@TaxesAreTheft mega cool idea 🔥
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Does giving away a share then cost the €1 trading fee? 🤔
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10€ $DIS won :)
Won €100 in Intel!
Should I keep it?
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@Friedrich999 What do you think? Otherwise switch to an etf
@Therapeut I'm selling, they're not making any gains this year.
But why is everyone so keen on ETFs?
They seem pretty lame to me
When were you notified that you had won something or not? I somehow didn't find it or probably just overlooked it^^
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@Therapeut hm okay, but there's no way to look it up again anywhere, is there? I haven't found anything
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@robinhalt The lot appears under the chart on the homepage, did you send 25 euros?
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After you have taken part in the competition, you can also cancel the gift. You will still receive the prize from the competition 🙈.
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How exactly do the shares end up in the recipient's custody account? I somehow couldn't find that out from TR.
If the recipient then goes to Consorsbank with the voucher, they will look like a horse and not understand anything.
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@marda304 You will receive a link by e-mail, which will then be linked to your account by telephone number.
When you open the app, you will then have the shares in your securities account
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@marda304 the person must also have an account with Trade Republic
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I only ever get an error message...
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@DasWoodz with what
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@Therapeut wanted to give a friend €25 via $TDIV. "An error occurred while creating the gift. Please try again later".
So there is enough credit available. You can't print it out yourself either.
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@Therapeut Found out. The ETF is not eligible for the promotion.
Is it a portfolio transfer of securities that I already have or are the shares/ETFs etc. newly purchased and transferred?
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Can't even select it yet 😞
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Don't need charity thanks anyway
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You can also give yourself a present and take part in the competition.
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You can also give yourself a present, for those whose friends are with Sparbuch, and you also get a lot 😉 I tested it yesterday 25€ in my ETF (+1€ fee) and as a lot I received 2€ LVHM
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