
Nest egg

I've noticed that I'm putting all my leftover money into ETFs via savings plans. So $XEON (+0%) set up as an asset with the largest monthly savings plan in percentage terms until I'm at the 3-5 monthly salaries. I opted for the money market ETF because I like to be tempted to make yolo purchases from time to time with Trade Republic "credit balances". Apart from that, the return p.a. is quite comparable to what Trade Republic pays in interest. What do you think? Rather cash balances with TR or money market etf?


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$PR1H - the new $XEON 😉
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@Epi But it is subject to currency fluctuations, isn't it? I wouldn't want that with a nest egg.
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@ChrisBizz Have you taken a look at it? The chart alone should show you that there are no currency fluctuations.
Otherwise it wouldn't be an alternative to xeon.
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@Epi Price performance 12 months 3.x% How much did the bond pay out in the last few months?
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@ZeissJessy Which bond? Do you mean TBills? Like 4.2%.
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Thanks for the tip 👍🏻
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@Epi I'm completely out of the loop on this topic. But isn't this a bond that is subject to the usual interest rate fluctuations? On the other hand, there is nothing to be seen in the chart 🤷‍♂️
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@TreasureHunter This is more or less a money market ETF. Only on the US market and currency-hedged.
In other words, you get the US key interest rates as a daily price gain.
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And the TER is even lower than that of $XEON. Good alternative, I didn't know it yet. Thank you @Epi
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Why do you prefer $PR1H to $XEON @Epi ?
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@PeterGriffin_ Quite simply. Interest rates in Europe are lower than in the USA. 🤷
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Money market ETF, because more independent and not so arbitrary in terms of interest rates.
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Take a look at $IHYU, average 6%, riskier but safer than a World
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In fact, my "nest egg" is everywhere except TR because otherwise I do exactly what you do...yolo purchases 😁
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money market ETF, you're doing exactly right!
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Money market ETF. Capital gains tax is payable monthly on the interest on TR. And you want to pay this as late as possible.
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@Psychedelic_Sunflower How does this change the calculation?
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As the $XEON is accumulating, it does not pay out dividends and therefore no capital gains tax is initially due. Only when it is sold. The money that you do not spend on tax for the time being continues to work for you, as it continues to earn interest and does not end up with the tax authorities. Depending on the amount and duration, the differences can be enormous.
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