
Position expanded. I have the feeling that all the hype surrounding biotech and innovative drugs has so far $SRT (-1.3%) has passed us by. They serve many research-based pharmaceutical manufacturers and are therefore not so dependent on individual successes as to whether drugs are launched or not. In my view, there is a lot to be said for them in the long term, even if there are a few short-term uncertainties such as debt. Perhaps not the very best time to buy with the latest interest rate developments, but if you wait too long for the perfect moment, you won't buy at all.

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Bought x3 at €263.50

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My buy-back target zone has also almost been reached. However, I am holding the other share, which costs €340, whatever the difference is 😂
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@Dirty30 The preference share in your case :) Both have advantages and disadvantages, I opted for the ordinary share 😜
The most important difference in my opinion is the voting right vs. dividend yield
I always thought Sartorius Stedim was the biotech branch and SRT the holding company...
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