First, the withholding tax of 25% is deducted, and then another KAP tax, plus solidarity surcharge and, if applicable, church tax. The bottom line is that less than half remains. With regard to the capital reduction, I do not yet have any reliable information on how the money is booked separately and whether dividends will then be paid from this substance in the future. These could then even be free of withholding tax. I am waiting for the ex-date and will then buy at a corresponding discount and fill my position; the prospects for the next 3 years are good thanks to the corresponding contracts and the new ships.
•@Dividendenopi I forgot. Part of the withholding tax can be refunded from Norway relatively easily
@Dividendenopi Do I have to fill out an application or how can I get the withholding tax back?
@-Nobody- It's all online and uncomplicated. You get 10% withholding tax back. Retroactively for a maximum of 5 years. Processing takes a few weeks to months. When the time comes, get a certificate of residence from your tax office, the normal form on the website of the Federal Ministry of Finance is sufficient. Send it off twice! Create an account at and then fill out the form. In most cases, enter clearstream as the custodian, i.e. their VPS. It is important to enter all details in NOK and not in euros. Attach proof of dividend payments and off you go. That in quick succession
@Dividendenopi What do you mean by filling the position? Is only a certain number possible?
@equity_enthusiast_877 No, of course not. For my part, as part of the weighting of my individual shares, I have a percentage amount of the overall portfolio that I invest in each share. The price after the dividend discount was attractive for me to buy so many more shares that the amount is now exhausted and the position is now full for me and I am not buying any more for the time being
@Dividendenopi have you already bought?
As announced, I filled my position on the ex-day