
$AUTO (+0.22%) - Breaking News at AutoStore 🇳🇴

+++ Patent dispute with $OCDO (+2.04%) completely settled +++

We have to give the smaller stocks a chance to get attention here, so today something new about AutoStore, the storage specialist from Norway. Here again the link to my presentation:


A raised finger was then on the ongoing patent dispute with the British Ocado, coupled with the uncertainty of whether sales stops or high costs would follow.

Since today it is clear

- All disputes are withdrawn worldwide (Positive)

- Advantageous cross-licensing (Positive)

- Everyone is allowed to use and market their products without restriction (Positive)

- AutoStore has to pay 200 million pounds to Ocado (Not so positive)

I am currently not (anymore) invested in AutoStore, I used the stock more to Buy Low Sell High because of its high volatility. The question is, how is the market taking this news? 200M pounds is just under $260M, which is a third of annual sales. Gulp. All that is known of the payment is that it will be in installments. But it will hit profits and growth significantly, at least in the short term.

Which weighs more? The finite clarity or the high price? I would actually like to see the share go lower again, as I have high hopes for the Q2 figures in mid-August.

Let's see what happens on Monday 🍿


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Great broken news 👍🏻
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Small companies are a real opportunity for us private investors. But when I think of Norway, I think directly of withholding taxes, I have hardly dealt with this yet.
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@Gerit However, you only pay withholding tax on dividends and not on the profit from the sale of shares. 🤔
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@Gerit @Doe and AutoStore does not pay a dividend 🚀
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@Fabzy was only generally related to Norway
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@Fabzy @Doe So like Canadian companies? Check ✅
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@Gerit korrekt ✅
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@MeepMeep the stock has no pretensions to be a "10-year buy & hold i'll collect the dividend and see what happens" stock, for which you might need a moat. i know about the competition but see the advantage in the time on market and the customer satisfaction that comes with it. Have to do professionally with AutoStore. Don't know the Jungheinrich system, the video is from last year. AutoStore has been running their solution since 2004.
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