

I had already written about it: I was made aware of the share by an "investment" newsletter $DDD (+4.49%) that is supposed to go through the roof. The newsletter is from smallcapaktien.de, and of course I never subscribed to it.

I thought (and actually still think) that this is a typical pump'n'dump, but somehow the scheme doesn't fit. The stock has been listed on the Canadian tech exchange since October, the company presented its pseudo-holographic 3D display at CES and the CTO has been working in the 3D display industry for decades.

Long story short: I actually wanted to buy Bitcoin for 5,000 euros, but bought Metavista3D instead. I don't dare say "invested" here. I bought at 1.98 euros and it's currently at 2.42 euros. So I put in a trailing stop with a 15 percent gap so that my money is safe.

And what happens now, happens.

If there's anything exciting, I'll keep reporting - in any direction.


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You should have invested back in October 24. Amateur. And you want to teach my children how to invest...
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@DonkeyInvestor I was writing my finance course and didn't have time ...
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@Charmin Okay, let me count. Can I join the group?
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@DonkeyInvestor Group? Pah. Modern nonsense. My newsletter is only sent by telex. If I absolutely have to, I can also use fax.
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@Charmin Are there also video courses on Betamax?
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@DonkeyInvestor Super 8, from the Amateur!
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I'm jealous - I would also like to be selected by shares, so far I'm still laboriously researching myself 😔
I also had a (non-subscribed) newsletter ... I have to admit that I found it interesting and then googled them because I had never heard of them before - I then came across their stand at CES. I find the technology and their plans super exciting and got in at €1.85 and again at €1.92. Let's see what happens ...
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good luck. i have added it to my watchlist. i have always ignored pennystocks and hype's because i prefer the safe and somewhat less profitable option, but the thing sounds very interesting 😇
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ok, i have now bought directly for 2.5k.
news from today 08:15. they are working together with apple 🫣
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@1Chrischi1 Source? Probably one of their ad hoc reports? They're churning out new "success stories" every day.
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No, they don't work with Apple. They only write that their technology is good for iPhones (basically all smartphones). What makes you think they're working with Apple?

Their ad hoc messages all sound like robber's tales. But with my trailing SL, I'm totally relaxed about it now.
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@Charmin post is out ✌🏽
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@Charmin read like this for me 🫠
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