I had already written about it: I was made aware of the share by an "investment" newsletter $DDD (+4.49%) that is supposed to go through the roof. The newsletter is from smallcapaktien.de, and of course I never subscribed to it.
I thought (and actually still think) that this is a typical pump'n'dump, but somehow the scheme doesn't fit. The stock has been listed on the Canadian tech exchange since October, the company presented its pseudo-holographic 3D display at CES and the CTO has been working in the 3D display industry for decades.
Long story short: I actually wanted to buy Bitcoin for 5,000 euros, but bought Metavista3D instead. I don't dare say "invested" here. I bought at 1.98 euros and it's currently at 2.42 euros. So I put in a trailing stop with a 15 percent gap so that my money is safe.
And what happens now, happens.
If there's anything exciting, I'll keep reporting - in any direction.