After some thought and consideration, I have decided to reduce the emerging markets focus to one country.
I am taking the money for this from the $SEDY (-1.03%) and the $EXXW. (-0.46%)
Of course, I have deliberately invested heavily in the Indian market. There is no dividend either (@Fabzy like that). But since I look at my ETF portfolio separately anyway, that's not so tragic.
I think that India still has a lot of potential and I definitely like being invested in India better than in China. Brazil would also be interesting, but I'm not quite sure about that politically.
Vietnam would also be something. But for now I'll stick with India.
Below you can see me looking at a few companies in a café during my last vacation in India. As you can see, India as such has won me over.
P.S. Yes, it has become the Franklin, despite a lower volume than the MSCI India. But I like the concept as such better and the TER is much lower (only 0.19%).