
Turnaround bet

Extremely beaten up, a bit too much in my opinion.

Only intended for a short holding period.

Edit: through @SemiGrowth I just saw from his post that they actually generate a gross margin of 41%.

I might stay in here longer after all

Aixtron logo
Bought x100 at €11.83

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I used to think that too😂
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@Froggerino However, management seems to have finally got the message.
I like the dividend cut.
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@Dividenden_Monteur Jo. At least that's some "good news". Let's see how long the journey lasts.
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I was thinking about taking the TA at $LMND yesterday. if I went in here now, it wouldn't work 100% so I don't want to ruin your trade.
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@Lumimyrsky you still have 1 hour and 51 minutes to change your mind 🙆‍♂️
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The latest figures from STMicro and the American company Wolfspeed give little hope that the specialty machine manufacturer Aixtron is about to experience a growth spurt in the near future. But there is also good news.

The continuing weakness in demand in many areas of the semiconductor industry (see STMicroelectronics recently) is likely to mean that Aixtron has landed at the lower end of the forecast corridor (EUR 620 million to EUR 660 million) in terms of revenue in 2024. However, it will not be possible to maintain the previous target of achieving revenue at or slightly below the previous year's level in the current year. In view of the outlook expected for the end of February, forecasts of around EUR 570 million seem more realistic to us. While the consensus estimates are still at EUR 593 million, the first analysts are already forecasting only EUR 530 million.

Aixtron is likely to react to the lack of recovery by lowering its cost base in anticipation of stronger demand. The gross margin could remain almost stable in 2025 thanks to a somewhat more favorable product mix, but this will probably not be the case for the EBIT margin (could be just below the target range of 22-25% in 2024). The (unchanged) target of acquiring another top 5 company as a customer in the silicon carbide (SiC) sector should also not be an issue for the time being in the current environment.
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@Smudeo The figures have long been out, see:
Turnover was actually up on the previous year
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