
Ist there a game change for the Concrete Industry of Germany in sight ?

Thoughts about $HEI (+1.54%)


I had some thoughts that I wanted to share considering one of germanys concrete producers not only based on economical data but also Political…

first of all economical base of $HEI (+1.54%) looks very well to me. All of the following dates are without guarantee.

dividend: about 2.4%

That amount might seem just normal for a German company but considering that that yearly dividend is only around 30% Pay-Out of profits, that number seems much greater

market: While Germany is a strong home market it also profits a lot from global trade and the European market, making it less dependent on the German economy

that might also be a reason why I was continually performing very well this month compared to the struggling German economy

second… the future government of Germany

the Germany minister of finance had to leave office cause of the chancellor which resulted in the breaking of the current Coalition forming the German government

new Elections will probably take place in February next year… while like in the us election immigration is a big topic housing is one of the biggest as well

lots of Germans struggle to find a home to rent and company’s struggle to bild those homes cause auf bureaucracy and high cost such as energy and material

Currentl in the polls it seems like the conservatives and liberals will perform very well in the upcoming election

that happening could make way for cheaper energy prices and cutting of bureaucracy

those would result in more building processes cause of to of the 3 big price points go down that’s very inviting

I could think of the possibility that for that reason they are going to build much then before but still pay as much for material who might as well drop in price cause of less energy costs

either way companies like $HEI (+1.54%) could very likely profit out of this development…

Those are just my thoughts… what do you guys think ?

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Many „if‘s“… if these political parties win the election…
If they chance the policy regarding this and that.
I wouldnt be too sure that everything promised now will be held later.
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