

I have a question and hope for many different opinions.

I currently have a $IWDA (-1.03%) and a $EIMI (+0.06%) which is also the largest part of my savings rate. In addition, I have a small Zockeranteil with what I learn and use everything around individual stocks.

I have recently found on a swap ETF, namely the $GLUX (-0.27%)(On GetQuin only tech companies are shown for this ETF).

I am convinced that in the future the luxury goods will rise.

Is it recommended to enter there or to stay only on the two MSCI.

Looking forward to your tips and suggestions


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Look here...https://www.amundietf.de/de/professionell/products/equity/amundi-sp-global-luxury-ucits-etf-eur-c/lu1681048630 there you will find the complete composition. Amundi says 0,25%TER @Kundenservice 🤔 Since for me there are too many double positions among the first 10 positions, I would continue to put the coal in the MSCI.
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@Doe We pass on to our data supplier.
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