
Hi everyone, this week I was looking to expand my dividend stocks and came across $PH (+0.15%) I came across. The last dividend cut was in 1997, since then it has been increased every year. The share price performance also looks very nice and the P/E ratio still acceptable. Do I not see the catch in the company right now?

I would be very pleased to hear your experience / opinion.

Best regards


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It is a cyclical stock like Caterpillar or Deere with corresponding drawdowns when the economy is bad, none of them have a very high P/E ratio. I have had the share in my savings plan for 3 years. I like Parker because it is a diversified industrial group with technologies for various sectors in its portfolio.
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@Paketknecht thank you, that helps me a lot
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I think you have the wrong information 🤔 according to aktienfinder, dividends have increased for 68 years 🤔

But I only have Parker in my savings plan myself 😊👍
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@Simpson At least in the savings plan. Only on my watchlist - but the fridge remains empty... 😂🤷‍♂️
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@Simpson on their investor page it says 0.70 dollars in 1997 and 0.60 dollars in 1998. But maybe I've got it wrong :). That would be even better
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Hab mir die auch schon angeschaut und auch wenn ich momentan nicht investiert bin finde ich das ein sehr attraktives Unternehmen
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Had it in the depot for two years. It was one of my most beautiful and reliable Titel👍🏽
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@Alpalaka then why "had" :)? What prompted you to sell
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@Gazza have shifted my individual stocks into my ETFs due to time constraints 😢
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