
Reduction of Japan position

After $8053 (+0.63%) last month, the next Japanese stock is leaving my portfolio. As already mentioned, I am not too bullish on the Japanese market and since Itochu has been falling for months, it was quite easy for me to sell.

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Sold at €39.94

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The stock has one of the best trends there is and is currently undergoing a healthy correction, which is perfect for entry and Bre is simply selling the stock as if it were Plug Power
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@Danno1 Dude hahahahah can't take any more
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well, it's just a position for decades...it also has an attractive dividend plus growth...why did you buy? So a short-term trade?
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@WarrenamBuffet vermutlich buy high sell low
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@WarrenamBuffet better to sell in a downtrend than to hope that you will be at 50% in 10 years' time
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I'm happy to buy yours 😋
Whereby I get in at around 35-36
38.11€ is my entry price. I will continue to buy below this price. Of course you could have taken profits at €47... After all, I still have a loss-making pot of shares of €360. That would have been more than gone at €47. But you couldn't have known at the time that it would go down that far again. With calculation yes, but probably nobody knows. Otherwise we'd all be millionaires by now
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Well, one or two people here have eaten stock market wisdom with spoons. Statements like "this is a share for decades" are absolute nonsense. I'm a classic buy-and-hold investor, but if the investment case is no longer there, a share is out again - quite simply. According to my assessment, the Japanese stock market is facing a turbulent time due to the announced restrictive interest rate policy. In addition, the share price of $8001 has not shown any growth for 8 months and has lost almost 20% in the last few weeks and there is still no bottom in sight ... quasi free fall. To speak of one of the best trends ever here .... well, you can do that.
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