
Downward trend in cryptocurrencies


If you want to enter the downtrend, you should do so now. Then you'll take a good minus with you.
Good luck
@Madhatter5566 like Harald, bet on gold, the only real thing. And wait for the day when the process of synthetic production becomes efficient and the supply can simply be increased arbitrarily like FIAT 👍
@Madhatter5566 Even if I make a decent loss, I have made a decent profit through previous sales 🤑
@Rob314 Synthetic production of gold? Philosopher's stone or what?

Have you confused gold with diamonds?
@equity_expert_1695 Then get in now to minimize your plus. A little loss is always possible.

Otherwise I would say that if you took part before, you did everything right
@Madhatter5566 It's a bit embarrassing that you're not familiar with your own asset. Maybe do some research first.
@Madhatter5566 I'm really sorry for you that you've lost a lot of money on cryptocurrencies 😕
@Rob314 Enlighten us how you want to make gold with magic. Philosopher's Stone is a bit medieval. But it fits in with your other knowledge.

And if you really mean particle accelerators. Yes, of course. About a thousand times the market price. So I still have some time. Idiocy
@equity_expert_1695 Me? Why should I participate in Ponzi schemes and hope to get out in time? I'd rather conjure up gold with the philosopher's stone like your colleague here. Kilos of it
@Madhatter5566 I don't think much of 99% of cryptocurrencies either, but if you don't need money as a gift 😕
@equity_expert_1695 Why I have my particle accelerator and produce gold. At a thousand times the market price, but you'll see. As safe as nfts. The new gold
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