Increase Apollo Global Management
$APO (-1.35%)
Apollo has holdings in a large number of companies. Apollo's business is naturally volatile. In individual years, larger transactions can result in a strongly fluctuating consolidated profit.
With the takeover of Athene in 2022 for around USD 11 billion has created a new ability to plan, which may reduce volatility somewhat.
Through Athene, the retirement business, Apollo specializes in helping its customers achieve financial security by offering a range of retirement products and acting as a solutions provider for institutions.
I believe that rising inflation and rising interest rates in recent years have left an extreme mark on many strong companies. Added to this were the multiple pay rises for their own employees. A lot of money has been burned and the last reserves have now been used up. Anyone who cannot generate capital on the free market or borrow at normal conditions is an ideal target for Apollo and Co.
Everything that Apollo (and Co) buys these years will be worth its weight in gold in 5 years 😎🤞🏼
Cash 💵 is king 👑