
A question for the Norway investors who, for example, invest in $YAR (+0.71%) invest:

How much work do you have to do to get the withholding tax back from Norway every year? With applications and certificates as well as waiting for the money and possibly answering queries? Does it take a lot of time?

I am thinking about investing, but this 25% withholding tax that is not offset and has to be paid on top of the capital gains tax. This 25% withholding tax, which is not offset and has to be paid on top of the capital gains tax, scares me off too much and I would only invest enough to get maybe €100-150 in dividends and whether I really want to go through the bureaucratic effort for €25-50 withholding tax, if it is high, for a few dozen euros and not rather put it somewhere else where I can save it.


I was looking for information myself a few weeks ago and found this:

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I had also been on the site before and then it occurred to me that it was really bureaucratic to get a few euros back. Either you're heavily invested, which is worth it for the amount, or I wanted to open a small position.
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Applying online is quicker than by letter. The Scandinavians are better positioned in this respect 😆😉 Obtain a certificate of residence from the German tax office. Add all statements from your custodian bank. Wait 3 to 9 months. And you don't necessarily have to do this every year if you don't need the money
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@Dividendenopi I forgot, you still need to register at https://info.altinn.no/en
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@Dividendenopi How much time do you spend on this every year (or every few years)? And does it take a long time to wait for the German FA and Norwegian FA?
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@RisingAktie The form is simple. You need every single dividend statement from your broker, where you have the details in NOK, as well as the ISIN. You will also need the VPS number. Personally, I don't know of any broker who has a direct account, so take the data from clearstream, which usually handles this and is the holder of the shares vis-à-vis Norway. Depending on the effort. If it's just one share and 4 dividend payments.... I have a few more.
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You can write 3 years on ONE application 😏
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@Pezi but the return on the €25 that can easily sit there for two years and not be reinvested... And then I read something to the effect that the payout can take 1-2 years... I could definitely get myself an ice cream with that🥲
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