
Big News for Pantheon Resources

$PANR (+5.62%) announced that the results from the Megrez-1 well in Alaska exceeded the company’s expectations. The well encountered an increase in hydrocarbon thickness to 2,425 feet. Which may lead to a 15%-50% resource upgrade from the original estimate of 609 million barrels. Flow testing will begin soon to assess production potential. The well's promising results suggest a larger than expected oil pool and additional zones for potential exploration. The full commercial impact will become clearer after testing, but the initial findings are very encouraging. Also with Donald Trump in office the oil industry is likely to thrive throughout the years to come. $50 a share quickly approaching!


I do not share the view that the price will ever rise to $50 a share. There should be a bright future for the company ahead. Would you mind to share your calculations and assumptions for $50 a share?
@pasu currently the stock is at $47.60 per share. This easily means it will reach $50. From yesterday the stock price jumped from $39 to a current $47.60.
@pasu hey mate, i don’t want to burst your bubble but pantheon just hit $50 😭
It was not clear for me to which currency you refer.
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