I think I will sell the following titles:
These stocks are very heavily represented in the MSCI World. This reduces cluster risk and frees up capital for speculative growth stocks.
The REITs remain for the time being as they have positive momentum and will benefit strongly from future interest rate cuts.
Flying out as I don't understand the industry well enough.
$HIMS (+4.16%) remains, on the other hand.
Defensive stocks are out, as no excess return is to be expected here.
$AMD (+0.74%) and $INTC (-1.35%) These are my turnaround candidates, as soon as this is completed, they are out
The following titles are also on the hit list:
What do the more experienced among you say? Are there any titles on my list that are worth keeping? Do you see any gross misjudgments? Do you have any suggestions for improvement?
Thanks in advance.