
Gold tax-free

Is it true that the $EWG2 (-1.14%) tax-free after a holding period of 1 year? I would then switch from my $IGLN (-0.52%) switch. It says on the Internet that brokers generally do not charge tax on sales after 1 year. What is the rule? XD


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I would also be interested in this, I am invested.
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Yes, that is the case. Tax-free after one year.
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If you sell your gold after holding it for a year, it is tax-free. However, this should also be stated somewhere in the broker's product sheet
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@KonradM I'll have a look right away. EDIT: Yes, as with crypto. Top! "Due to the product structure of EUWAX Gold II, banks and online brokers generally do not deduct tax on a sale. This means that the purchase and redemption or sale of EUWAX Gold II is treated in the same way as physical gold. Here, capital gains are tax-free after a holding period of one year."
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@PalmPirateTechnocrate do that. At wisdomtree you can even exchange after a year and physically own something corresponding to the shares. But just have a look
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Yes, that's right, tax-free after one year.
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Too bad that $EWG2 is not available on TR 🫠
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@patrick0NTour TR has Wisdom, also tax-free and 0.12 costs are negligible
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@nitroxx I can't find it, do you happen to have the code handy?
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@nitroxx Many thanks for that! 🥳
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@nitroxx Are you sure it's tax-free?
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Is always described at the ETC provider, for TR users, also from Wisdom some are tax-free after 1 year
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So an ETF on gold is not tax-free?
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@Tenbagger2024 I don't think we have any ETFs on gold in Germany. Only exchange traded commodities (ETCs). The difference is that these are bonds issued by the bank.
The $EWG2 is tax-free because it is deliverable. But gold ETFs that reflect the value of gold 1:1 do not exist here. As far as I know, this has something to do with regulations on fund composition.
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@tjwr I heard the same thing
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