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Growth companies as interest rates rise... I hope you have patience.
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@leveragegrinding still have over 40 years
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@R0b that's why I said I hope he has patience and does not sell at another -15% because irgednwer got egg flutter🚀
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@leveragegrinding I do not know the interest rate of Singapore nor their plans there ! Singapore is not USA or Europe ... you have to research if necessary China in any case has just lowered the interest rates...
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@GymTonic That's true, but most investors come from the U.S. and Europe. That is why the situation in the U.S. and Europe is also relevant for shares from other regions.
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@hendrik_lmr I'm aware of that but that's exactly why you should first look at the monetary policy of Singapore or Asia before you lump everything together ... I do think that with a good growth company in the emerging markets, which is not burdened by interest rates (which would have to be researched ...) you get better returns than with government bonds of the U.S. ...
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@GymTonic yes good worse than government bonds probably only Dirk Müller performs 😂