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Understand yes, but from what contribution makes sense? So that the transaction costs do not exceed the profit? Yes do me just hard to find now ETFs exactly, have there still a tip?
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@willemkly The amount depends on the broker. With Zero 0€ from 500€, there you have a limit! With TR 1€, makes 4x2=8€ on average 4 shifts per year on 1000€ 0.8% yield reduction. To find the specific ETFs is a bit tricky, but just look under justetf or extraetf and search for a cheap one with low spread according to your criteria. For Nasdaq 100, for example, I use LYX00F. Which ETFs are basically suitable depends on your model. Some want more return, others less risk.
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@Epi Otherwise, I'm working on a follow-up article about the process of finding the optimal GTAA model. You can also wait for it. 😏
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@Epi sounds fantastic, can I send you otherwise also just times my selection of ETFs then? That would be really ne mega help
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@willemkly Just post it here as a reply. I will then add my two cents. 😏
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Here times a selection, of me however uncertainly particularly with the industries
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@willemkly Have you backtested the selection? At first glance, some ETFs might have high correlations. I would complement the short-duration bond ETF with a long-duration one. They run very differently.
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@Epi yes had even seen that there are from iShares directly also what with longer maturity. Maybe emerging markets are still missing ...
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@Epi Correlation probably between MSCI World, Stoxx and Healthcare or ?
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@willemkly Yes, the first two are general stores with overlap. The third is a sector ETF with stocks that are in the other two. Try to find ETFs without overlaps.
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@Epi difficult but I try yes