
@Epi here we go😉

Brief introduction: I was very undecided about my strategy for a relatively long time and have rethought it back and forth several times and have now finally set up my portfolio (in its current form only this year) with a strategy that lets me sleep peacefully and that I hope will lead to a successful future stock market life. My strategy is also designed so that I have to worry as little as possible about rebalancing and actively do not have to worry about it. The aim of the portfolio is long-term wealth accumulation (10 years+).

About me: 34 years old, married, now 2 children, live in rented accommodation, work in middle management at a private bank in Hamburg, savings rate €1,000 per month, sufficient nest egg available and not tracked here

Strategy: I recently made a final decision in favor of an ETF as the core of my portfolio. The choice fell on the $SPYI (-1.51%) as it tracks large, mid and small caps from industrialized and emerging markets. The ETF should make up 60% of my portfolio in the target allocation. I invest €600 a month in the ETF from my savings installment.

In addition to the ETF, I hold and save monthly $BTC (-3.23%) (physical and ETP $WBIT (-0.07%)) and $WGLD (-0.3%) (also gold physically $965515 (-0.19%) ) with €200 each. The target allocation for both BTC and gold is 20% each.

I have opted for $WGLD (-0.3%) because $EWG2 (-0%) is unfortunately not eligible for a savings plan at ING and $WGLD (-0.3%) is also tax-free after 1 year and has a delivery option. My position in physical gold will not be expanded any further.

$WBIT (-0.07%) I deliberately chose this savings plan because it is NOT tax-free after one year (optimization of the tax-free allowance through sales, is not saved, my savings plan only runs on real gold). $BTC (-3.23%) ).

All in all, I hope that the portfolio allocation will optimize returns while at the same time minimizing drawdowns.

Feel free to leave thoughts, suggestions, criticism or praise at da✌🏻.

Greetings, Marcus


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Would be too much precious metals and Bitcoin for me, but that's a matter of preference. In itself there is nothing to complain about, you have also explained why you have which title. It's boring but clean and therefore probably successful in the long term
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@topicswithhead boring and clean was actually one of my main motives, because with a full-time job and 2 children I simply don't have the time for a proper treatment of individual titles or similar😅👍🏻. Thanks for your Feedback🙏🏻.
I also think there's a bit too much gold, I think you're still young, you could still save s&p or nasdaq 100 or 200, over 30 years they'll beat every index anyway
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@Trilly424242 The higher proportion of BTC in the portfolio is intended to generate higher returns😉. Gold, in a corresponding admixture, only lowers the vola (considerably). Since my investment horizon is 10 years+ (and not necessarily 30 years), NASDAQ is too heavy for me in terms of vola, DD and dependencies. Until recently, I had the S&P 500 alongside a FTSE All World, which actually only led to artificial risk concentration with higher volatility and a poorer risk/return profile. In my view, however, the most important argument against this is that the US has performed disproportionately well in the past, but who is to say that this will continue for the next 10 years +? I would make my portfolio unnecessarily one-sidedly dependent, which I no longer really like.
Of course, that's all in the crystal ball. Personally, I still can't imagine that Europe or the rest of the world will do better than the USA, but otherwise respect for the portfolio and the considerations. I will also get more information in the next few days.
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@Trilly424242 Thank you very much for your comments and Lob🙏🏻.
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Too little Bitcoin $BTC
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@Alexander_Bitcoin have been waiting for it😂.
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@Alexander_Bitcoin but to be honest, I was expecting the recommendation to come from @stefan_21 😁😉.
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