
Problem share $WEED

what do you think will the shares ever go up again?

Yes I know that it is ne crystal ball question but am really thinking of selling at a loss 😢😢

would have me months ago when buying there really expected more and that the topic of "grass" is something the future 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️


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with that name...? sooner or later you will, if you don't go broke^^
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@Gerit hahahaha also 50/50 Chance 😂😂
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@Patrick-2800 I would be in at 50/50
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@Gerit also 10/90 😂😂😂
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Cannabis literally grows like a weed and any 16 year old can grow such a plant in the closet. Write it off as a teaching fee😅
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@Der_Dividenden_Monteur so sell or just leave it and wait 🤷🏼‍♂️😅
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If you thought weed was something for the future months ago, you haven't reached that future now to judge if it's something for the future 🤯 That being said, cannabis stocks are dirt
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@hendrik_lmr ton point 😅👍👌🏼 thank you
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The hype was 3-4 years ago. In the meantime, such cannabis stalls sprout like weeds from the ground. For me, no investment case without knowing the company better. You have now arrived in the pennystock sector. I would sell
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The price at the corner is cheaper
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If the company can hold its own, then yes. Have staying power with several years, otherwise you should not get into such stocks.
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@Basti381 I actually intend to hold the share for a loooong time, even if it doesn't look so good at the moment.
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I am invested in $WEED. I've been running DCA for so long that I'm currently in profit with the share. For people who like to take risks, it's a 9/10. And they've made a profit before :D. Just stay tuned people
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As far as I know, the company has never made a profit. In other words, it has only ever been hyped as a future ammunition option. This is over at $WEED and the paper is more than ever pure gambling. If the current value is small enough that you can bear it: leave it and hope for the next hype where you will get rid of the papers. Once again an example that "buy and pray" is not a sensible strategy.
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@LUD thank you 🙏👌🏼 Yes was one of the shares I initially bought without much knowledge. In retrospect, unfortunately, a mistake. But you learn from it
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