
Dear all,

I've just been asked the classic question: Which ETF should I save in? I am 29, have put a lot of money into other investments (companies) in recent years and also save in ETFs from my private money. I will (have to) work for another 40 years, children are not on the agenda for the next 3-5 years (maybe after that), so a long-term strategy would certainly make sense.

I'm rather unsure, don't have the time or, to be honest, the energy to spend a long time looking for securities and just want a simple starting point that I can save in regularly.

I currently have $XMAW (-0.98%) (with 9.72% share) and $VHYL (-0.58%) (with 11.44% share) in the portfolio.

I am currently saving the $VHYL (-0.58%) monthly because I wanted to increase my dividend payout, but am currently considering investing in $XMAW (-0.98%) for long-term growth.

My question: What are you investing in and why?

Merci and a happy new year :)


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$VWCE is all you need.
With ESG screened, you'll make a huge return.
@DividendenWaschbaer I'll take a look, but in a direct comparison since its launch, the $XMAW has performed better than the $VWCE + distribution. Why do you prefer VWCE?
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@aiesto The $VWCE does not pay out.
The $XMAW has not been around that long (only since 2019). But in the maximum possible period, the VWCE has +49.40% and the XMAW +47.82%.
At the same time, the VWCE is cheaper (albeit only marginally).

Of course, I cannot know whether and to what extent the XMAW performs worse. However, the past shows that ESG criteria perform somewhat worse. Of course, because you exclude companies from the outset on the basis of the criteria.
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Take the Prime Global and Prime Emerging markets from Amundi. It couldn't be cheaper. If you take 85 Global and 15EM you are at a cost of around 0.06 TER
@cashwithhead Thanks, I'll have a look at those two!
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