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could only puke
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It's amazing what the SPD demands and wants to implement with its almost 15% election result...
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It was clear that this would also be on the table... that would also be Germany's last locational advantage dahin🤷‍♂️
@stefan_21 Unfortunately, I don't see any locational advantage in DE with regard to the capital market. In some countries there is no capital gains tax or solidarity surcharge. Unfortunately, it just makes you shake your head.
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I have to ask now: what exactly did you think would happen now - where would the additional 500 billion euros in funding come from? Did some people here expect that the money would simply be printed and pumped into the system without inflation - and that no savings would have to be made anywhere at the same time? Yes folks, left pocket, right pocket - something has to happen! I don't like it either, on the contrary - but this was one of the most obvious measures. Anyone who now comes around the corner with "Germany is finished" and "don't vote for the old parties" should please comment their solution here. Thank you!
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Oh yes... the money for the new packages has to come from somewhere 🤡 So, investors are kneeling 💁‍♂️
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The SPD is acting as if it has reached 40% and Merz will put up with everything. What a flag in the wind...

I remember a quote from him where he spoke of 35% for the CDU and he wanted to halve the AfD.

I think the AfD will soon be at 35% and the CDU will follow the SPD into the sub-20% region
Well. Thank you dear old party voters. But they won't get anything from me. There are enough ways and means. Probably won't sell anyway.
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@user5ca946a11b6a4278 Your current holdings will presumably remain tax-free.
Cf. share purchases before 01.01.2009
Great prospects. And what about those who are just starting to earn money and want to make provisions?
Never mind. I'll draw my own conclusions and that's that. Let Germany choke on it.
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The next generation will no longer know tax-free Bitcoin, just as most people here don't know tax-free shares :)

What conclusions are you drawing?
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@Alpalaka Sounds like emigration😶
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@Mark777 Every third person here talks about emigrating and "now it's almost time"
But talking is always easier than doing :)
I find it difficult to see bitcoin as a precautionary measure
I also find the concept behind it difficult to understand, especially in light of the fact that, according to some sources, the top 10 Bitcoin holders own about 20% of the total coins in circulation
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@Alpalaka Allegedly (according to information from Blocktrainer) the now tax-free stock is also to be taxed💀
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@stefan_21 You almost can't do that.
Crypto/Bitcoin is (as of today) a private sales transaction and falls under §23 EStG.

If I remember correctly, there was also a ruling by the BFH. In addition, the Federal Ministry of Finance has published a crypto guideline.

If they now want to tax the old stock, are they breaking the law or "hex hex, nobody will notice"?

In other words, crypto/bitcoin can only be taxed with a new law. Until that date, the current law still applies
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@Alpalaka That's not true. Unfortunately. In 2022, the German government retroactively changed the taxation of existing occupational pension contracts. This caught thousands of savers on the wrong foot. There were a few lawsuits, but it didn't achieve much (only a mini allowance).

So, what about legal certainty and grandfathering? Anything is possible in Germany.
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@Epi oh!
Then unfortunately you can only read the above as a vague assumption on my part
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If they don't deliver in this election period, the next one will be really bleak 😞
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@mami_goes_boerse That's what will happen. The traffic light is responsible for 20% AfD. At the moment it looks like Merz and Klingbeil are responsible for 40% and more AfD.
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@Artiskon Who says it will be gloomy then? It can't get any worse
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@ShrimpTheGimp Correct. Bleak, at least for me, in that the AfD doesn't really have a progressive election program either.
We simply can't go back to the 90s.

Everything has to be tackled and turned upside down and none of them want to do that, because these are the structures that keep "those at the top" alive and in power.
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@ShrimpTheGimp There's a saying: it can always be worse 😉

Look what happens when you're ruled by clowns. Once across the pond. Maybe there are parallels 🤔
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It was so clear that something was coming. Bitcoin/crypto has arrived in the Bundestag and suddenly it was noticed that the philistines don't have to pay any taxes. Wow!

It will probably be similar to 01.01.2009.

So collect the tax-free coins now :)
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If this really happens, it can be assumed that retroactive taxation will not be possible. In that case, free up as much FIAT as possible and then all-in BTC, as long as the cut-off date for taxation has not occurred :-) That is my plan.
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@MH711 As far as I know, in the past everything had to be in the tax-free portfolio on the cut-off date (i.e. older than 1 year), otherwise it would count directly under the new regulation. At least that was the case for real estate and shares.
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Why should equity gains be taxed and Bitcoin not? First of all, regardless of the amount? (It would affect me too). Maybe don't always switch to aggression mode!
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@Finanzgeograph Because crypto is treated like gold. Incidentally, it doesn't just have advantages. You can no longer claim losses after one year, as is the case with shares.
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@Finanzgeograph In Austria it is already like this, 27.5 % capital gains tax. Life goes on ✌️
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I think it's fair somehow 😱 just not the height
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@GoDividend yep, I agree. It hits me hard and is super annoying for me personally. But you're right in principle. All the other crap about taxes from the SPD is of course absolute bullshit
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The sad thing is that this was to be expected from the Merz CDU. "Turn right and turn left" is the motto. That's why the CDU was out of the question for me. However, I am also surprised at how quickly and bluntly the left (yes, the SPD no longer has anything to do with the center or center-left. Lars Klinbeil was active in Antifa) and the Greens are being allowed to push through their economically damaging demands.
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Germany has finished.
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Time to emigrate to Dubai
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In Austria, crypto is taxed like shares at 27.5% capital gains tax. Don't cry, we always do everything as a guinea pig and then Germany follows 😂
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as chosen so delivered - so don't cry but stand up straight :)
Well, nothing has been implemented or decided yet and there is certainly resistance from the ranks of the CDU/CSU. It will probably come down to a compromise so that everyone is somehow satisfied. Perhaps the SPD will then be granted the increase in the top tax rate and everything else will remain as it is. The bi** newspaper just needs a real headline on the front page again.
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The most astonishing thing is that there is still a CDU/CSU politician at the negotiating table. They should have broken off the coalition negotiations long ago.

But unfortunately - Merz is determined to become chancellor and will ultimately accept anything. The SPD knows that.

The coalition won't last long.
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Many thanks to all the idiots who voted for one of the old parties. You did a great job.
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It's normal, the sucker wants to remain chancellor, so he's campaigning for the SPD!!!
Didn't you want Bitchcoin to prevail? Did you expect it not to be taxed and controlled? Sometimes you wonder how some people manage to tie their shoes early on with so much stupidity.
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