
Hello, I would like to start here with your feedback on my current portfolio. I am pursuing a long-term investment strategy with an investment horizon of at least 15 years. I have been invested since 02/2023.

The ETFs are used for broad market coverage and diversification, while the individual stocks cover targeted growth potential and specific sectors. Deliberately two-pronged with the ETFs with $XDWD (+0.06%) and $VUSA (-0.3%) as the S&P offers a good one percent higher price return and also the dividend. In addition, I deliberately increase the weighting with the S&P, especially for $MSFT (-1.69%)
$NVDA (+0.22%)
$AMZN (-1.56%)
$AAPL (+0.99%)
$GOOGL (+0.19%)
$META (-1.17%) a little more.

To the individual stocks:

$PLTR (+3.47%) and $IOS (+1.49%) are bets on the future and are currently at +15% and +82%. Apart from that, I also want to think about dividends now for later and risk as little as possible overall, as retirement is also less than 20 years away.

I plan to add 1-2 more individual stocks to my portfolio (max. 8 individual stocks). Allianz $ALV (+0.07%) is set, and I am also considering adding Veolia Environment $VIE (+0.02%) as well.

What do you think of this strategy and the additions? Do you have any other recommendations or comments?

Many thanks in advance!


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I think your strategy is very good! I still have a few more years until I retire, but I'm following a similar strategy. The market return is always good for the basis & it's also fun to select individual stocks that you are convinced of. Basically, you just have to feel comfortable with your investment. Some people put everything into Bitcoin, others go into ETFs & others have completely different investments. Basically, it is only important that you invest what you can afford. Not everyone has to become a millionaire :p
If you carry on like this, you'll certainly accumulate quite a bit by the time you retire. Wish you good luck & good returns 🍀
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@Fipsi Thanks for the feedback. Yes, millionaire, if then only via a different route ;-) Personally, I also think that individual stocks are also justified in a portfolio of only 3k. If there are a few that you are convinced of and you can keep an overview. The 16 months so far have proved me right. Not even those who would put everything in an ETF know whether it will stay that way ;-)

In the meantime, $STLAM has given way to $ALV. It was a mistake to be so optimistic about Stellantis compared to other cars. However, I still think that they are better positioned internationally and with regard to China.

Otherwise, I am sticking with the maximum of 6 individual stocks for the 2 ETFs.

In a year's time, I will be somewhere between 5.5-6k. It's better to have a relatively small portfolio than bumble along with 1% overnight money. My ROI over the 16 months is currently 16%, which I'm quite happy with.
Looking at your sales during this period, one wonders why you sold individual stocks such as $NVDA, $MCDD or $V.
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@BennyZ87 $NVDA I would have decided differently today after learning more. B I $MCD in my opinion, looking at the long-term development, the time is over with natural continuous growth. At least an unusual pattern for over 18 months. $V I wanted more $MSFT and $PLTR 🙂
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