
1 Who am I?


I'm 20 years old and I'm finishing my apprenticeship as a bank clerk at a savings bank in June. After completing my training, I'm aiming to study business administration, as I don't see myself as a "bank advisor" in the future and I'm not completely convinced by the banking sector. My monthly savings rate is currently very high, as I still live at home and hardly have to pay any rent. I also receive monthly maintenance from my dad and I have a part-time job in catering. I am very grateful to my parents that I can put so much aside each month and try to spend as little money as possible on unnecessary consumption.

2. strategy/investment goals

My strategy is core-satellite with at least 65% ETF share and the rest in individual stocks and precious metals. As a result, in the near future only the $VWCE (-0.92%) and $CSPX (-1.14%) ETF. I have chosen a distributing variant for the ETFs as I want to make full use of the tax-free amount. The bond ETF $IBGL (+1.25%) is a speculation on the ECB's interest rate cuts, which will hopefully happen soon, and the individual share positions are now all Grow companies. My investment horizon is over 40 years and my securities account acts as a later retirement provision. When I start my studies, my monthly investments will be significantly reduced for the time being, as I have always been very frugal and have hardly seen anything of the world. When I finish my studies, I will start investing again in the global economy in a broadly diversified and aggressive manner.

I look forward to your opinions and suggestions for improvement. :)

Thanks in advance!


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Hey, your depot looks really great, especially for your age!

Keep up the good work, your attitude and respect for your parents will take you a long way.

Your strategy also makes sense so far, I like the stocks in your portfolio, I don't see any gambling.

Regarding your ETFs, there are certainly good opinions against a distributing variant, because you can also use the tax-free amount in other ways.

Precious metals: what did you have in mind? Gold?

May I ask why, if you still have enough time to invest?

You should take another close look at this, so that you don't end up 5 figures worse off when you retire just to own some gold that gives you a sense of security but doesn't pay dividends, for example.

As for the interest rate cuts, the broad market expects it, an increase is less likely, especially because inflation overseas is also under control, keeping interest rates at the same level is probably the best solution, at least for the time being.

My reason for not buying bonds:

If interest rates are lowered now and not quickly enough or I don't manage to sell my bonds at a profit, there is a risk that inflation will rise to new highs again, which (should/)would result in renewed and significantly higher interest rate hikes.

The speculation makes sense, no question, but keep in mind that even if you are "right", it was still a lot of luck and could be different in the future.

Welcome to the community! 👍
Hey Gerit,

thanks for the kind words and welcome to the community. :)

By precious metals I mean the stock I currently own.
I was given half an ounce as a present when I was born and occasionally a 1G bar for my birthday. No further purchases are planned.

I fully agree with you about the bonds, I'll keep an eye on them over the next few months and get rid of the position if necessary. It really is very dependent on luck.
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solid portfolio!
I like your introduction to yourself and your portfolio!
It's great that your parents are so supportive and that you've already invested so much at your age😁

I like the individual stocks.
Keep up the good work!
I agree with the criticism of the bond ETF @Gerit.

Traveling will take you very far in life. Do it while you are young and have no obligations to other people etc.!
Hey DC,

thank you so much 😃, I'm very grateful to my parents for being so supportive and teaching me how to handle money.

I'll keep an eye on the bond issue.👍🏻

I've made a firm commitment to traveling in the near future, as I've always let it slide so far. I've noticed from friends how traveling has helped them develop their personalities and improve their English skills.
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Is there a reason for the ASML ADR ? And not the ordinary share ?

Except for the Deka fund everything is great, but I guess it was/is VWL services of the bank or ?
@TimoBrod I just checked Trade Republik again, it's the normal one, I entered it incorrectly. You're right about the Deka fund, unfortunately I wasn't allowed to save an ETF as a VL....
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Really good depot, I like it very much. Good luck with it 👍
Great attitude and deposit, respect. It's also great that despite your trainee salary (and alimony) you're still working a part-time job to increase your savings rate. Just don't forget about life...especially at that age, it's insanely cool to just go on vacations and experience things.
Hey Lukas,

Thank you very much for your feedback.

I've made a big plan to travel and experience more in the near future, as I've always let it slide a bit so far. After my training, I'll do it straight away angegangen👍🏻.
I think the depot is great too, just like your plans and attitude 👏👏👏😁😁... I wish I'd been ready when I was 20. But the internet was still in its infancy then. And nobody in my family had anything to do with shares.
Gold, I don't really know. It's all a matter of opinion. I don't have any. But I do have a bond ETF.
Ultimately, the only important thing is that you're happy with your portfolio and can sleep well.
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